Vice-Chancellor's Report to University Council 2018/2019

The information from these bulletins are used to help owners of strategic initiatives to better plan how best to execute on them, taking into account the changing dynamics of the environment in which the institution operates. ALIGNMENT The Alignment pillar reflects the need for The UWI, through both operational and policy work, to ensure its works meet the needs of stakeholders both in the public and private sector. The UOP facilitated this through the following outputs over the period: In the area of industry/academic partnerships, the policy paper entitled: “Policy to Guide the Governance of Engagement between UWI and the Private Sector” was fully approved by UF&GPC. The paper called for the approval of campuses to establish Campus Steering Committees to oversee the engagements between The UWI and the private sector within their jurisdiction. Further, to execute on the policy, a concept note and agenda for engaging the private sector was developed and approved by The UWI EMT. This saw the office working in collaboration with the Board of Graduate Studies and Research to execute breakfast seminars with private sector organisations and captains of industries on each landed campus of The UWI. These seminars were held as follows: • March 18, 2019 – Trinidad and Tobago • April 2, 2019 – Barbados • April 24, 2019 – Jamaica

Ms. Nicki Horseman of Times Higher Education conducts a workshop with The UWI Executive Management Team.

Professor Densil Williams delivers remarks at the THE one-day workshop.

The UOP maintained its production of the UOP Bulletin. The bulletin, uses the STEEP Model (Social, Technological, Economic, Environmental and Political) to highlight major developments in the higher education sector that will impact the strategic direction of The UWI. These bulletins are generated in time for university meetings that are convened in February, May and September/ October.

For the reporting period, the unit produced three issues of the Bulletin. These are: • Trends in Higher Education Vol. 1.4 - Environmental Trends (October 2018) • Trends in Higher Education Vol. 1.5 - Political Trends (February 2019) • Trends in Higher Education Vol. 1.6 - Social Trends (May 2019)


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