2023 Wrestling Digital Program

GREETINGS FROM THE MAYOR Welcome to HUNTINGTON and the 7 6 th ANNUAL WEST VIRGINIA STATE HIGH SCHOOL WRESTLING TOURNAMENT! This is an exciting tournament and on behalf of the citizens of our great city, we are thrilled that you are here. As a member of Marshall University’s Young Thundering Herd, I know what it means to work hard and dedicate yourself to your sport. To the students who will be competing this weekend, I applaud your hard work, dedication and tenacity that has brought you to this level of competition. I wish you all the best of luck as you compete this weekend. In much the same way that students have worked hard and dedicated themselves to being their very best, so too is our community working to make an EXCEPTIONAL Huntington. I hope that each of you will take the time to discover all that our beautiful city has to offer. Our downtown area is a thriving mecca of shopping, dining and entertainment. There are also many nearby historical sites and recreation sources available. For more information on what Huntington and the surrounding area has to offer, please visit the City of Huntington website at www.cityofhuntington.com or the Huntington Area Convention & Visitors Bureau website at www.visithuntingtonwv.org. Best of luck to all those participating in this exceptional tournament and thank you for visiting and exploring all that our EXCEPTIONAL city has to offer.

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