2023 Wrestling Digital Program


Host Principal: Jody Cunningham, Principal Huntington High School Tournament Directors: William Archer, Former Principal at Huntington High School Bruce Senior, Athletic Director Huntington High School Assistant Tournament Directors:

Robert St. Clair, Huntington High School Diana Archer, Huntington High School Superintendent of Cabell County School: Ryan S. Saxe Official Scorers: Diana Archer Cathy St. Clair Hospitality Room: Huntington High School Wrestling Boosters Club Program Sales: Huntington High School Wrestling Boosters Club Pass Supervisor: Janet Artrip Trainer: Justin Ross, Huntington High School

SCORING Individual Match

Tournament Team Scoring AAA & AA SIX PLACES

Takedown ····················································· 2 pts. Escape ··························································· 1 pt. Reversal ························································ 2 pts. Near - Fall ······················································· 2 or 3 pts. Tournament Fall ································································ 2 pts. Default ·························································· 2 pts. Forfeit ··························································· 2 pts. Disqualification ············································· 2 pts. Advancement Championship Bracket ······························· 2 pts. Consolation Bracket ··································· 1 pt. Technical Fall ················································ 1 1/2 pts. Major Decision (8 - 14) ···································· 1 pt.

1 ·········································· 16 pts. 2 ··········································· 12 pts. 3 ··········································· 9 pts. 4 ··········································· 7 pts. 5 ··········································· 5 pts. 6 ··········································· 3 pts.

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