DIGITAL ART Technically, “digital art” can refer to anything from clip art to complex images. Using technology to create and present artwork can offer an artist a larger audience beyond tradi- tional art buyers. There are many types of digital art, including the fol- lowing: • Vector painting – Made using the vector storage format. • Raster painting – Made using the raster storage format. • Pixel art – Art created at the pixel level. • Photo painting – Manipulating an original photo. NFTS An NFT (Non-Fungible Token) is a digital item that can be bought and sold online. NFTs are often coded using the same type of software as many cryptocurrencies. The dif- ference between NFTs and cryptocurrencies is that crypto- currencies are “fungible,” meaning they’re created in large or infinite amounts. NFTs are typically one-offs, making them rare and thus increasing their worth. NFTs aid in creating online fame and wealth for artists, by allowing them to register their work on a blockchain, which is a sort of ledger that tracks the sale of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. NFTs got their start as “colored coins,” a Bitcoin digital token that represented assets in the real world — assets like collectibles, company shares, coupons, and more. From there, NFTs grew to include digital art that could be created and sold for substantial amounts. Individual buyers are an obvious market, but corporate buyers are fast becoming a top contender for this kind of digital art. In fact, many corporate buyers are just waiting for an artist like yourself to mint — that is, create and publish — the right NFT for their needs. Start building an online presence and give your art the attention it deserves. There are plenty of easy steps you can take to get your art noticed and begin gaining a fol- lowing of people who love to see the art you create — and even pay for it. No matter what type of art you make, you’re sure to find a group of like-minded people from all over the world who appreciate it just as much as you do.
through the sale of stock art. If you’re not shy about sharing your process, you could create how-to videos so that your audience can reproduce your art for themselves. You could use your own website to host these videos, but by uploading them onto a public video-sharing website like YouTube, you can make use of that website’s existing audience. No matter how you choose to get yourself online, your success will be due largely to marketing. The simplest way to market yourself is through social media, where you can post your art and your process while growing your online audience. There are even music platforms that allow you to upload your music so people can listen to the
MAKE MONEY ONLINE AS AN ARTIST The most obvious way to make money is to simply sell your work in online galleries, but you can take that a step further. Certain sites allow artists to upload and sell their images by creating a profile and offering their art through different products. You can stay true to the original format of your work, but you can also earn money by selling your work as mugs, t-shirts, cards — anything you can put a picture on. Something else to consider is selling your images as stock artwork. Selling them as stock allows your potential audience a set download limit, for a price. Photography websites provide a conve- nient platform for artists wishing to earn money
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