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Service Spotlight: Trigger Point Dry Needling

How many treatments will I have? How are they spaced out? Some patientswill see significant results in a few treatments and othersmay require more treatments. This depends on the extent and duration on your condition, the amount of scar tissue, and the rate of your body’s healing. Treatments are typically oneweek apart andalternatedwith traditional physical therapy sessions in order to give the body healing time between trigger point dry needling sessions. In addition to Tracey Adler, DPT, OCS, CMTPT, LydiaMorris, PT, CMTPT, Kristen Wright, PT, MPT, CMTPT, and Charles Brooks Steadman, PT, DPT, MTC, CMTPT, are certified in trigger point dry needling. Dr. Adler teaches trigger point dry needling around the country for Myopain Seminars. In order to receive international certification in trigger point dry needling, an individualmust attend rigorous hours of continuing education. This involves a comprehensive review of musculoskeletal anatomy and neuroanatomy. The individual is educated on the origin ofmyofascial trigger points and how to accurately locate them in amuscle. Certification also requires an understanding of all current research regardingmyofascial trigger points and thebody’s response topain. Individuals must pass a written and practical competency examination.

The physical therapists at Orthopedic Physical Therapy, Inc strive to offer the best care for our patients. We were one of the first clinic in Virginia to offer trigger point dry needling, over 12 years ago. Our therapists are certified, meaning that thehave completed intense trainingandpasseda rigorouswritten and practical exam. Asmore therapists are offering trigger point dry needling, we want you to be informed. If you have any questions, please call 804-285- 0148. Experience counts!! Trigger points in a muscle often are associated with a referred pain pattern. That is, a patient may feel pain down the back of the leg, but the source of pain may be located focally in the buttocks or low back. By treating the source of the pain, the leg pain will resolve. Typically, patients who receive Trigger Point Dry Needling treatments have little or no signs of tissue damage or inflammation, but do complain of soreness. What parts of the body do you treat? We will treat you according to the source of your pain, whether it is in your foot, shoulder, knee, hip, or any other place in the body! Is the treatment painful? In most cases, trigger point dry needling to a trigger point is uncomfortable, briefly. As themuscle relaxes and lengthens, the pain and sensitivity subsides. In most cases, the pain subsides within seconds, although muscle soreness may persist for 24 to 48 hours.

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