MAA 2021 Benefits Guide

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Bi-Weekly Associate Contributions Contributions vary based on state, type and number of pets insured. Get a quote and enroll online at or by calling (877)738-7874. You will be able to pay for your policy through the convenience of payroll deduction.

My Pet Protection ® Plans from Nationwide My Pet Protection, from Nationwide, reimburses a straightforward 90% SJ]SYVZIXFMPPMRWXIEHSJYWMRKEFIRIƼXWGLIHYPI%ERRYEP HIHYGXMFPIERHQE\MQYQERRYEPFIRIƼXETTP]8LITPERMWEPWS available with wellness. You’re free to use any vet and get additional FIRIƼXWJSVIQIVKIRG]FSEVHMRK PSWXTIXEHZIV XMWMRKERHQSVI4PYW their 24/7 vet helpline® is available as a free service to all pet insurance members ($150 value).

Click here for more information. You will be able to continue your policy through Nationwide if you leave MAA.

Identity Theft Protection from Lifelock ® LifeLock Identity Theft Protection monitors over a trillion data points for personal credit, including those for new credit cards, wireless service, retail credit, mor tgages, auto and payday loans. You can respond MQQIHMEXIP]XSGSRƼVQMJXLIEGXMZMX]MWJVEYHYPIRX[MXLXLIMVTVSTVMIXEV] Not Me ® verification technology. If identity fraud does occur, their Cer tified Resolution Specialists are available to personally manage your case from beginning to end. You have two plan options to choose from for yourself or family.

LifeLock Benefit Elite

LifeLock Ultimate Plus TM

Employee Only (18+) Employee +1 or more Dependents





Click here for more information.

Legal Insurance from ARAG ®

Legal insurance from ARAG helps you address everyday situations like HIEPMRK[MXLXVEƾGXMGOIXW VIWSPZMRK[EVVERX]MWWYIW FY]MRKELSQI or getting your will done. You have access to a nationwide network of more than 12,000 attorneys who can advise and represent you. ARAG also provides online tools and useful information to learn more about legal issues on your own and help you create any of 350+ legally valid HSGYQIRXW MRGPYHMRKWXEXIWTIGMƼGXIQTPEXIW%6%+SJJIVWX[STPERW to choose from depending on the level of coverage and protection you need.

Bi -Week l y Assoc i ate Cont r ibut ions Ul t imate Advisor TM Ul t imate Pl us TM $6.92 $10.15 Rates shown i nc l ude coverage for Employee , Spouse and a l l e l igibl e dependents .

Click here for more information or visit and enter Access Code: 18333maa .

Auto & Home Insurance Discount Program from Liberty Mutual ® MAA par tnered with Liber ty Mutual to offer an auto & home insurance discount program to all associates. Through this program, you are eligible for discounts on auto and home insurance. If you are a regular associate working at least 20 hours per week, you are eligible to pay the premiums for your policy(s) through bi-weekly payroll deduction. Visit www.liber, or call (800) 699-5298 and reference client number 135809 , for more information and a free quote.


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