King's Business - 1951-11

BOOKS, BOOKS, BOOKS! You have them; we need them. To friends of Biola —The needs of the library have increased with increased enrollment. We need books —Old books now out of print—New books with which to keep up to date. Will you help by (1) Contributions for, or purchase of recent reference material, (2) Gift of books or library not now needed would be appreciated. If you can­ not afford your library as a gift, give us the opportunity of purchase. The Librarian The Bible Institute o f Los Angeles 558 South Hope St. Los Angeles 17, Calif.

Seminars -inReligious Freedom f O R ”

Dec. 2, 1951

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WHERE WE GOT OUR BIBLE (Universal Bible Sunday) Psa, 68:11; 119:105-112

The Bible Is God’s Remedy for Sin Psa. 3:8 There are many panaceas in religion. Men’s inventive minds have sought reme­ dies for men’s deficiencies through the centuries. The banks of the stream of time are littered with the debris of human programs to control and to con­ quer sin. None of them have succeeded, The human heart is so utterly bad that only God’s message found in God’s Word has proved to be God’s remedy. The Scripture presents God’s diagnosis of man’s deep need. Only God Can Prophesy 1 Pet. 1:11 No one but God could possibly know what will happen tomorrow. The coming days are all a wide-open book to the living Lord. God prophesied that a king would be born named Josiah. The boy was bom over 300 years later. The Lord prophesied that Babylon would be de­ stroyed by a wind. It happened over 500 years later. God prophesied that the Messiah would come riding on an ass. He came over 400 years later. Fulfilled prophecies throughout the Scripture are a definite and certain proof that our Bible is a God-given book and an un­ failing divine record.

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The Word of God presents unmis­ takable evidence of its divine origin. Many infallible proofs abound—both in­ ternal and external. The structure of the Bible numerically in the original language is perfect. The scientific facts are accurate and present truths that have only recently been discovered by experiment. Historically, the Bible pre­ sents a perfect picture. In regard to its effects, it gives the only remedy for sin known to man and is the only antidote for sin among men. Holy Men of God Were the Writers 2 Pet. 1:21 The Bible is a book on holiness. It has power over sin and power over the sinner. It turns savages into civilized Christians. It changes men’s hearts from cruelty to kindness. It affects the lives of the rich and the poor, the educated and the ignorant, and enables them to become holy and godly by its influence. The very presence of the Word of God has a sanctifying effect upon men and women. Sinners hate it and Christians love it; the ungodly want none of it and the godly want more of it. It Was Given by Inspiration of God 2 Tim. 3:16 Every word of the Scripture is God- breathed. The Bible has the flavor of Heaven about it. Whatever the Bible touches receives the imprint and the impress of God. Its commandments give power to those who hear them. Its pro­ nouncements are definite and certain of accomplishment. Its decisions are final. Its warnings are fatal. The breath of Heaven is on every page and for that reason it is not found in the haunts of sin. The Bible promotes everything that is good and warns against all that is bad. It tells us all we need to know about this life and the next as well as God can tell it.

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WRITE TODAY fo r open d a te s. Dept. K CHRIST’S MISSION, INC. 160 Fifth Avenue, New York 10, N. Y

"JOHN DEWEY'S EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY has done more harm to Am erican youn g people than even John Bar­ leycorn,” says a public school teacher of years of experience. Are you equipped to refute the fallacies of this subtle atheistic influence? Read Dr. Buswell’s book ex­ posingDeweyism. Give copies to your friends, especially the teachers of your children. Order direct from the author - T H E PHILOSOPHIES OF F. R. TENNANT and JOHN DEWEY, ove r fiv e hundred pages, $6.00, postage prepaid if cash accompanies order. J. OLIVER BUSWELL, Jr. President S h e l t o n Q T oU e c je 340 W est 55 th S treet N ew Y ork 19, N. Y.

Dec. 9, 1951 THE BIBLE IN MANY

TONGUES Psa. 119.9-16

The way of salvation in every country is just the same. Those of all races and languages need the same instruction, the same Saviour, and the same new life. Sin is the same in every people. It may occur in various forms but it is just as deadly and just as fatal in each form. There is only one remedy and that is prescribed in God’s precious Book. It is

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