King's Business - 1951-11

therefore necessary that God’s Word convey God’s thoughts and should be given to the people in their own lan­ guage throughout the whole world. The human heart responds to God’s love in every race. All Need the Word for Their Walk Psa. 119:10 None of us know the path we should tqke. Life is full of pitfalls and by­ paths. Sometimes we are in the wilder­ ness where there are no paths. Some­ times we pass through the waters where . there is no road and no sign to guide. The Word of God says to us, “ This is the way, walk ye in it.” The perplexities of life find their solution in the lives of David, Paul, Jacob, Sarah, and others. We see how God directed them, and are thus directed in our own lives. We see how God handled their problems and this encourages us to bring ourselves under the influence of that precious Book. All Need the Word for Godly Living Psa. 119:11 We could not know of ourselves what is right and what is wrong. Our envir­ onment influences us as does also tradi­ tion and association. A commandment to a pig to keep out of the mud has little value because of the nature of the animal. Commandments to unregenerate men fail in their accomplishments be­ cause of the fallen nature of each per­ son. Something more is needed. The Word of God impressed upon the soul by the Spirit of God produces a godly life which bears godly fruit. God’s Word reveals God’s way and God’s plan for our lives. All Need the Word of God for Ministry Psa. 119:13 Were it not for the Scriptures of truth we would not know what kind of minis­ try or service was pleasing to God. As men and women who have fallen na­ tures, we must be busy at something. Work is God’s gracious provision for a

mind that has been defiled by sin. God in Christian countries gives enterprises far above those of the unsaved in heathen lands. The Word of God enlight­ ens the mind, enriches the spirit, and quickens genius. By means of these blessings we receive help to live and guidance to work. Let us use them for God’s glory. All Need the Word of God for Happiness Psa. 119:16 That which the devil offers as a pana­ cea for heavy hearts and the sorrows of life is expensive and transient. Sin pro­ vides pleasure for a season. That which the world offers is so evanescent that the soul wearies in grasping for its glittering trophies. When we stoop to drink at the cisterns of the world, the waters fail and the heart is left empty. The Word of God brings the peace we desire and true happiness to be eter­ nally enjoyed. * NEW TRANSLATIONS OF THE BIBLE Psa. 119:1-8 There are many new Bibles on the market. As one reads them, he gains the impression that they are more of an interpretation than a translation. The writers have taken the original lan­ guages and given in their own words what they think is the thought'con­ tained in the original. It is my judgment that the King James version excels any and all of the others and is more de­ pendable. Mark Twain said he was not troubled by those things in the Bible which he could not understand. He was troubled by the things which he could understand. The King James version gives God’s truths in clear language that can be understood. We Are Blessed If We Obey His Word Psa. 119:2 The thought of happiness is contained in the word blessed. Those who walk with God in the light of His Word re­ joice in the blessings of life and the guidance of the Spirit. They are happy because they do no evil and are con­ stantly doing good. They are happy be­ cause they do not need to avoid or evade other people but walk clearly in the light and rejoice in the blessings of Heaven. Those who obey His Word in­ herit the blessings of those who please God. They obey the Word and are kept from harm and are safe from Satan. We Are Blessed If We Study His Word Psa. 119:5 The Word of God is sometimes simple and plain. Sometimes it is profound and difficult to understand. It is therefore necessary for us to study the Scriptures if we would learn all the counsel of God and be able to carry out His will wisely and helpfully. They are happy people who search the Word daily and seek to know all that is revealed by God for T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S Dec. 16, 1951

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