King's Business - 1951-11

M I S C E L L A N E A I have known ninety.-five great men of the world in my time, and of these, eighty-seven were followers of the Bible, —William E. Gladstone Family Devotions? Linda, aged nine, went with a neigh­ bor playmate to a revival one night. In telling her experience to the family she said, The preacher asked every one who had family commotions at their house to raise their hands, so I did. When the devil fishes for men he doesn’t let them see him baiting the hook. A Solemn Resolve “ Therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord” (Isa. 43:12). The present age is fraught with tre­ mendous perils. There has never been a period like this present time. The youth of the world is in a desperate plight because they know not Christ our Saviour. On every hand souls for whom Christ died are perishing. We pro­ fess to know the way of salvation. Let us, then, multiply our labors, speed up our service, develop our gifts, deepen our surrender, and push forward our lines of advance. Let us, on our knees, re­ solve to respond to the challenge of this hour, so that every man and woman, every boy and girl, every young man and maiden within our reach shall hear the good news of our redeeming and con­ quering Christ! —Gwen Howe Smith Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understand­ ing. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. —Prov. 3:5, 6 The Bible Works Before the war a colporteur left a Bible with a man in a small hamlet in Poland. He read it, was converted and passed it on to others. Through that one Bible, when the colporteur returned a few months later he found two hun­ dred people had become believers on the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible was worn almost to shreds. Men Ought Always to Pray James Gilmour, the pioneer mission­ ary to Mongolia, was a man of prayer. He had a habit in his writing of never using a blotter. He made it a rule when he got to the bottom of any page to wait until the ink dried and spend the time in prayer. That kind of habit drives prayer right into all the chinks and corners of our lives like the mortar that holds the building stones together.

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