King's Business - 1951-11

READER REACTION (Continued from Page lb )

test. The author disclaims having pro­ duced an Old Testament Introduction in the strict sense of the term, but “merely a guidebook to conduct the Christian student through the labyrinth and past the pitfalls of modern destructive criti­ cism.” The critical theories are ably presented and the answer of conserva­ tive scholarship set over against them. The layman as well as the student will find this work a storehouse of informa­ tion easily available through subject and Scripture indexes. Extended bibliogra­ phies add to the book’s value. 420 pages. Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich. Cloth. Price, $4.95. YOUR CHURCH AND YOU By Fred P. Corson Many excellent suggestions are to be found in this manual for church mem­ bers. The author, who is a bishop in the Methodist Church, familiarizes his read­ ers with the historical background of the church and treats various aspects of the inter-relationship of church and mem­ ber. However, the necessity for “ a real world brotherhood” is stressed, and the church is viewed as God’s instrument for accomplishing this objective. “ The Church’s task is world domination. It cannot write ‘operation completed’ until ‘the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.’ ” This consummation, so longed for by many, according to God’s Word will be accomplished only by the return of the King. “Why say ye not a word of bringing back the King?” 171 pages. John C. Winston Co., Philadelphia, Pa. Cloth. Price, $2.50. SACRED PIANO SOLOS “ There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy” “ Blessed Be the Fountain” “ Safe in the Arms of Jesus” Classical arrangements. Original instructions. Rich harmonies. Brilliant cadenzas. Modulations, Chimes. Suitable for radio performances. Each 35c. ALL THREE $1.00 postpaid. Order from GORDON E . H O O K ER 558 S. Hope Street Los Angeles 17, Calif. "World Crises Prophetic Scriptures"

God loved them enough to give His life for them, certainly we should have a love for them so that they might be reached with salvation through love. J e s s P a s c h a l l West Linn, Oregon News from Germany I want to thank you very heartily for the regular delivery of your in­ teresting magazine. We are greatly fond of it and read it with much pleasure. Different missionary workers are like­ wise interested in this paper and are glad to receive it. May the Lord bless you richly in your extensive work as I may feel His blessing iri my missionary service too. The Lord works great things in our country. The people’s tent mission is in full work, and we are so thankful that our German people partly show much interest for this mission. Many, many souls find peace with the Lord. B e r n h a r d G o e tze Germany A Little Child Shall Lead Them Just a note to call your attention to an article in the July issue, “ A Little Child Shall Lead Them.” This is taken, it seems to me, directly out of its set­ ting in Isaiah 11:6b. This portion of Scripture “ . . . and a little child shall lead them” (Isa. 11:6b) has been worn threadbare, as it were, through the years with the application given to it with this true story. If we stop to analyze this, we, as fundamental Chris­ tians, would not ever so use it. In the first place, the reference is to the future dispensation of the millennium, and, in the second place, the “ them” which the little child shall lead are none other than animals, which are named in the verse. While we know that many times children are used to lead older ones to know the Lord, let us never be guilty of contorting this Scripture again in that manner! G e n e v a G . K u h n Washington, D.C.

By DONALD G. DAVIS, Ph.D. • Head of the Church History Department of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles


This commentary on the book of Reve­ lation is 'used as a text book in the author’s classes in Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Port Worth, Texas. The first half of the work con­ tains many valuable features in the “Historical Background of Revelation.” The interpretation presented in the sec­ ond half of the book follows a variation of the Preterist system, the author hold­ ing that .the Revelation had to be mean­ ingful for the readers of the Apostle John’s day. Distinctly amillennial, the work ridicules the idea of a future Mes­ sianic kingdom. 224 pages. Broadman Press, Nashville, Tenn. Cloth. Price, $2.75. SEE THE GLORY By Carolyn L. Canfield The story of Adelaide Locher, young high school and Christian college teach­ er, will challenge young Christians to consecrated service for their Lord. A graduate of the University of Cali­ fornia, Miss Locher attended the Bible Institute of Los Angeles for two years. Facing an incurable disease, her bright testimony for Christ brought blessing to many. Shortly before she was called to her Heavenly Home she wrote, “ The Lord has provided abundantly, and I am grateful, though anxious to depart.” 159 pages. Moody Press, Chicago, 111. Cloth. Price, $1.95. INTRODUCTORY GUIDE TO THE OLD TESTMENT By Merrill F. Unger This volume by the professor of Old Testament at Dallas Theological Semi­ nary was the first prize winner in Zon- dervan’s recent Christian textbook con­

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