King's Business - 1951-11

Helps for the Children When Jesus Was Bom Luke 1-2

i 71 0 7|T%T Needs Evangelical J / l J r / l i l Plan of Salvation Tracts for Wide Free Distribution This is your Opportunity to Share in this Ministry, Today. SCRIPTURE TRACT FELLOWSHIP Harry J. Swan Central Post Office Box 67 Tokyo, Japan VOX SCRIPTURE T E X T CHRISTMASCARDS Just purchase one box of Scripture Text colorful floral design stationery, containing 24 printed sheets, 24 plain, and 24 printed lined envelopes at $1.00. You will receive FREE a beautiful box of 25 Scripture Text Christmas Folders of 10 assorted designs—regular value, $1.00. A $2.00 value for only $1.00 prepaid. Also, our 64-page Christmas gift catalog. U. S. only. M cBETH ’S R ELIG IO U S A R T STU D IO Department F-14 Elizabethtown, Pa. 5,000 STS,“ WANTED to sell Bibles, Testaments, good books, hand­ some Scripture mottoes, Scripture calendars, greeting cards. Good commission. Send for free catalog and price-list. George W. Noble , The Christian Co. Dept. 7C, Pontiac Bldg., Chicago 5, 111. "MARIA MONK A NUN’S LIFE IN A CONVENT A BOOK OF FACTS A detailed description of black nunnery in Mon­ treal. Twenty great chapters. Maria Monk, escaped nun, describes in detail the terrible experiences of helpless and defenseless girls within the high stone walls of the Hotel Dieu Nunnery at Mon­ treal. The most terrible revelation ever recorded. OVER TEN MILLION COPIES PRINTED The most extensively read book on this vital and important subject. No book like this in print ! Read this frightful, heartbreaking story and learn the truth concerning convent life. 106 burning pages. Postpaid only $1.00. The edition is lim­ ited , „ . so order at once. GOSPEL ART SHOPPE Dept. KB-11 Rowan, Iowa

in Israel’s possession of the Land. Under him they had succeeded in a partial conquest of the inhabitants t h e r e i n . Through disobedience they never did drive out all of them. See Judges, Chap­ ter 1. Today’s lesson presents Joshua delivering a farewell address to the people in which he challenges them to a life of devotion to God. Next week we enter upon a series of New Testa­ ment studies. The Place and Recipients of the Address v. 1 Not at Shiloh, where the tabernacle was, but at Shechem, Joshua’s farewell address was delivered. Probably this was because of the many distinct associations of this place with experiences of other days. H^re a solemn renewal of their responsibility took place as recorded in Joshua 8:30-35. Prior to this Abraham had received in this place the first prom­ ise from God after he had migrated into Canaan, and built an altar (Gen. 12: 6, 7). Here it was that Jacob had purified his house of idols, burying them under an oak (Gen. 33:19; 35:2-4). So Joshua chooses this place to renounce idolatry and to urge his people to loyalty and devotion to God. Israel “presented themselves before God.” This is what folks always should do when they go to church. Attendance at church should - be primarily to meet God, not men. A Call To Remembrance vv. 2-8 In order to strengthen his plea for loyalty to God on the part of Israel, Joshua calls to their remembrance the divine dealings with them from the be­ ginning of their history. They needed to remember the pit from which they were digged (Isa. 51:1) and how God had ordered their steps in all the suc­ ceeding days. God had taken t h e i r fathers out of an idolatrous country (vv. 2 ,3a). Doubtless Abraham him­ self was an idolater in Ur of the Chal­ dees. God led Abraham all through Canaan and blessed him with a multi­ tude of progeny, and especially with Isaac, the son of promise (v. 3b). He cared for Israel in the land of Egypt and at last brought them out of that land (v. 4-7). He gave them victory over their enemies (v. 8). A Challenge To Decision vv, 14,15 In view of the faithfulness of God to Israel, Joshua now urges them to be faithful to Him. If there were any gods among them other than the true God, he pleads with them to cast them away. Joshua may have been suspicious that some of the gods of the nations round about may have been permitted secret entrance by some of the people. By his challenge in verse 15, he sug­ gests the folly of trying to serve Jehovah and other gods at the same time. In reality such cannot be done. The Lord is Lord of all or He is not Lord at all. Joshua set before his people the proper attitude when he said, “As for me and

Memory Verse: “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men” (Luke 2:14). Each year you have heard the Christ­ mas story. Perhaps you feel that you know it so well that there is nothing new that you can learn this year. If you will pray that the Holy Spirit will teach you something from His Word that you have never before seen, you will not be disappointed. Let us as we read the story this year ask ourselves which of the characters in the story is like ourselves! The innkeeper was too crowded to make room for the Saviour. Is your life so filled with pleasures and friends and thoughts of making yourself popular that you have no room for God’s Word and God’s house and God’s Son? The scribes read the Scriptures con­ stantly yet did not know that the Lord Jesus was the One of whom they had been reading. Do you read God’s Word just because you should or because your parents or your pastor expect you to and never receive any message for your own heart from your reading? The wise men traveled far and per­ haps through great dangers to bring their gifts to the newborn King. Are you daily asking what you may give to Him, not only at this Christmas season but each day of the year? Have you offered to Him your gifts of prayer, and faithful attendance at His house, and bringing at least one-tenth of your money for His service? Can you think of other gifts that boys and girls who truly know the Lord Jesus can give to Him? The best gift is the gift of your­ self—without that your other gifts are worthless in His sight! The shepherds left their daily work to find the Saviour then went out and told others about Him. Perhaps the only gift that you can give is that of telling someone else about your Lord. Have you told your grocer and your teacher and your playmates about the Lord Jesus? Mary’s heart was so filled with joy that she sang a lovely song of rejoicing at the birth of God’s Son. Perhaps you can sing of Him, praying that your song will cause those who hear to want to know Him too. Which of these are you like at this Christmas season? Dec. 30, 1951 TAKING A STAND FOR GOD Josh. 24:1-8, 14-18 Pointers on the Lesson With this lesson we bring to a close the quarter’s series of lessons having to do with the calling and establishment of the Hebrew nation. We find them now located in the Promised Land. Joshua had been the human instrument

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