King's Business - 1951-11

my house, we will serve the Lord” (v. 15). That is the only reasonable attitude to take. True, Joshua was soon to die, but he determined that in the few remaining days left to him and in death itself he would be true to God, and then throughout all eternity he would keep on servine1Him. A Worthy Response vv. 16-18 The people followed Joshua’s example and determined to repudiate all foreign gods and to serve the true God faith­ fully. Would that they had always been true to this decision. Helps for the Children The People Make Their Choice Joshua 23,24 Memory Verse: “ Choose you this day whom ye will serve” (Joshua 24:15). Joshua had led the children of Israel to victory in their new homeland. Their enemies were conquered, the land had been divided amongst them, and they were settled in their new homes. Joshua was old; he knew that he would not be with his people much longer. He called the Israelites to him to remind them how God had fought their battles for them. He reminded them to be true to God’s laws and to keep themselves from the heathen practices and worship of those nations around them. At the close of his message Joshua said, “ Choose you this day whom ye will serve . . . but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” When all of the people promised to faithfully serve the Lord, Joshua set a large stone up under an oak tree to remind them of their promise. After Joshua’s death, the children of Israel buried him in the portion of land which belonged to his family in the new homeland. Each day you have many choices to make. You must choose what friends to make, what games to play, what books to read, what radio or television pro­ grams you will choose, what words you will use, what jokes you will tell, what songs you will sing, etc. All day long you must make choices. Sometimes it is easy to know the right choice; other times it is very difficult. Only those who know the Lord Jesus Christ as their Saviour and who can ask His wisdom and guidance will know which choices are right and best. Paul’s words, “What­ soever ye do in word or deed do^ all in the name of the Lord Jesus,” may help you to make right choices that will honor your Lord. If you could not invite the Lord Jesus to share your pleasures if He should suddenly enter the room, then you should not be taking part in those pleasures. If you would turn off the radio or television quickly if He should open the door, then you should not see or hear that program since you are His child. Any joke or song or book that you could not share with Him has no part in your life as His child. Have you let Him guide your choices that they may always be pleas­ ing to Him and a real testimony to others?

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