King's Business - 1951-11

The rallying cry of the Crusaders

Th c Mtorc dì TheMilanaWeekly beitene:

ONE .. .There is for every child o f God a place of victory and power which few present-day Christians enjoy. We must rise and claim it for our own. D eus V u l t — “ God wills it!” TW O .. .True revival will come to our times if enough Christians pay the price in deep repentance, separation from the world, self-effacing humility and spiritual travail. We must be among them. D eus V u l t — “ God wills it!” THREE .. .The gospel must be preached to all nations and tribes in antici­ pation of the return of Christ. We must finish the task of foreign missions now. D eus V u l t — “ God wills it!”

A. B. S im pson , Founder

Get-acquainted Plan: To new subscribers we offer 30 weeks of T he A lliance W eekly for only $1.00. Regular price in the United States and Canada, $2.00 a year; foreign, $2.75. Attach $1.00 to the coupon below and mail to: I--------------------'----------------------------------------------------- T T he A lliance W eekly , 3rd and Reily Sts., Harrisburg, Pa. I Enclosed is $1.00 for which please send me The Alliance I Weekly for 30 weeks. Name____________________________________________________ I Address_______________________________ 1 ---------------------------- 1 City_____________________________________ State___________ j PRINT PLAINLY | l ________________________________________________ !

T he A lliance W eekly , official organ of The Christian and Missionary Alliance, features: Editorials for the Times . . . Articles on Doctrine and Christian Living . . . The Deeper Life . . . World News . . . Youth Interests . . . Sunday School Lessons . . . Foreign Missions . . . Daily Devotions . . . Book Reviews. A. W. T ozer , Editor

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