King's Business - 1951-11

The W o rk and the W o rk ers By William W. Orr, D.D.

There is coming a time when everyone shall know the truth for some day, per­ haps not too far hence, the whole world from the least to the greatest will be brought face to face with the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ to the earth. He will come and will not tarry and the earth will know the immeasur­ able joy that His beneficent reign will bring. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. President Truman’s Challenge From the pulpit of the National City Christian Church in Washington, D.G., the President of the United States re­ cently voiced his irritation over the in­ ability of church leaders to get together on a common affirmation of faith. The President seemed to be very strongly moved at the bickering of various church groups and their unwillingness to get together on a common ground. The reaction to the President’s chal­ lenge was varied. There were those who quite agreed with him and deprecated strongly the divided front which Chris­ tendom presents. There were others who strongly disagreed, pointing out that a front cannot be maintained except on the basis of sacrificing some doctrines which they hold very dear. While, on the surface, a united front would be admirable to present the bat­ tle against Communistic encroachments, still the President or anybody else ought to know that such a thing will never in the world be possible as long as the Lord remains away. He is the only One who can ever bring the church together. The church will never present a visible union until that day when the skies part and He whose right it is to rule and reign will return. Surely the President should under­ stand that there are at least two great camps in Christendom. One is the con­ servative camp which believes whole­ heartedly in the faith once for all de­ livered to the saints and which would gladly die before surrendering any of that faith. The other camp is that of the liberals who hold that we need a new gospel for a new age and who look down their proverbial noses at the “ old fashioned” beliefs of the fundamental­ ists. These two are as far apart as the poles, nor can they ever come together. There are forces in the world which drag them apart, not the least being the subtle influence of Satan himself. But be assured there will come a time when the church shall be united but it must be united around its Head. When that time comes, there will be many so- called church people who have been say­ ing “ Lord, Lord” down through the years and concerning whom the Lord will say, “ I never knew you.” There is only one rallying basis for the church of Christ and that is around the person of Christ, His deity, His sinless life, His vicarious death, His physical resur­ rection and His second coming.

What The Future Holds According To Scientists

New York City was the location of the Twelfth International Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistry and was the place of enunciation of a number of predictions according to some of the world’s top scientists as to what we may expect for the future. According to some six Nobel prize winners from five nations, the food problem is going to be of lesser im­ portance. Science now knows enough to feed 4,000,000,000 people which is nearly twice the world’s population. The food supply will be abundant and not the low diets of most of the world of today. The plan included the use of more acre­ age. Another forward step was the use of plants that are more resistant to disease. Science is also reaching into the cause of cancer and according to these men the disease will some day be overcome. The most basic recent discovery throws a flood of light on this disease, and it is the opinion of the men of science that the causes of the disease and the result­ ant cure are just around the corner. An ironic note was sounded either consciously or unconsciously. While a number of improvements are in the air for the alleviation of some of the ills of mankind, science has nothing to give to men which will so change their na­ tures that they will stop fighting one another. While it is true that mankind has as a whole better life today than ever before, the potential of destruction is greater and threats of impending horror and misery are larger than at any time in the world’s history. Here is where science must stop and where faith must begin because it is a fundamental tenet of our belief that God Himself is able to change the sinful heart of humanity. In fact, this is the reason for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ into the world. His advent was not for the purpose of making life easier but of making life better. He did not live and die in order that men should have more leisure time but in order that their sins should be forgiven and that they might have life which is eternal. This is the basic premise of the gospel story, that a genuine heart acceptance of the work of Christ on Calvary’s cross brings a miracle to pass in the lives of those whose hearts are dead in tres­ passes and sins. Over and over again in uncounted numbers the veracity of God’s claim has been dembnstrated. Men and women of all ages have known the thrilling joy of the life-giving message of Calvary’s cross. Would that the scien­ tists as they spoke in New York City had added one other sentence saying that while science had nothing to offer to change men’s hearts, faith does have something to offer.

Bible Lands Cruise The sailing date for the fifth annual Wheaton College Bible Lands Cruise is February 15, 1952, from New York, N. Y. The plan is to call at several Mediterranean towns of historical and Biblical interest and then make an ex­ tended stay in Syria and Palestine. The members of the party will visit Beirut, Damascus, Jerusalem, Jericho, Bethle­ hem, and many other points of Biblical and archaeological interest. Dr. Joseph Free, Professor of Archaeology at Whea­ ton College, is in charge of the ar­ rangements. Judge’s Tract A new tract from Hon. Judge Harold R. Medina is being published by the American Tract Society entitled, “ The Judge and his God.” Judge Medina was the presiding jurist in the recent suc­ cessful communist trial of New York City. The tract quotes Judge Medina as saying: “ We judges are the servants of the people . . . but we are the servants of someone else, too . . . I do not see why a judge should be ashamed to say that he prays for divine guidance and for strength to do his duty . . . After all is said and done, it is not we who pull the strings. We are not the masters, but the SERVANTS of our Master’s will; and it is well that we should know it to be so.” Decision on TV The Hour of Decision radio broadcast originating from the Billy Graham evan­ gelistic party has been started on the ABC Television network recently. Of the first four programs, three were pro­ duced on the Seattle Pacific College Campus in Seattle, Washington, with students from the college participating in the choir and assisting in the tech­ nical work of broadcasting. National “Quotedown” In a national Bible quotedown contest sponsored by the Rural Bible Crusade, several state winners left their milk buckets down on the farm while they journeyed to Wheaton, Illinois, to com­ pete. The national winner was Marilyn Roth, 14, of Gridley, Illinois, with Pauline Van Ham, 14, of Pella, Iowa, as runner-up. Neither of these girls made a single mistake in the four sessions of the contest. They thrilled their audiences for four nights by steady quoting, letter perfect, and giving the references. When Disaster Strikes The American Bible Society, through a carefully worked-out plan, is prepared (Continued on Page 27)

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