HudsonAlpha Research Report 2023-2024

In the human brain, some 86 billion neurons form 100 trillion connections to each other — powering our thoughts, actions and dreams.

Our brains are constantly working. Different regions of the brain specialize in specific tasks, such as the visual cortex for sight, the auditory cortex for hearing, and the prefrontal cortex for decision-making and planning. Our brains make us who we are. They define our personalities, shape our memories, and guide our decisions. Therefore, when things go wrong with the brain, the consequences can be devastating. Diseases of the brain can manifest in various forms, depending on the affected region and the underlying cause. In early development, if the brain does not form properly, developmental problems and neurodevelopmental disorders can occur. As we age, the abnormal destruction of brain cells can lead to neurodegenerative diseases.

At HudsonAlpha, we are committed to unraveling the mysteries of the brain from early development throughout life. By harnessing the power of genomics, we are delving deep into the genetic blueprint that underlies both the healthy and diseased brain. Our goal is to transform lives by accelerating the diagnosis and treatment of brain disorders. By understanding the genetic factors that contrib- ute to these conditions, we aim to eliminate the often-frustrating diagnostic odyssey, help develop more effective, targeted therapies, and create innovative tools for early detection. This could lead to significant improvements in the quality of life for millions of people affected by brain disorders. ■



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