HudsonAlpha Research Report 2023-2024

Sara Cooper, PhD, Emily Gordon, PhD, and BRIDGES fellow Eliza Croom looking at cancer cells through a microscope.

C ancer is a class of devastating diseases that affect millions worldwide. While many factors contribute to the development of cancer, at its core, it is caused by grow and multiply unchecked. While the field recognizes several dozen inheritable genetic changes that predispose individuals to cancer, not all genetic changes that lead to cancer are inherited. Many are acquired throughout our life- time due to random mutations, environmental expo- sures, or other factors. Understanding the full spectrum of the genetic basis of cancer is crucial for developing more effective diagnostic methods, more personalized treatments, and better preventative measures. genetic changes that give cancer cells a survival advantage, allowing them to

SEARCHING FOR NEW GENETIC CAUSES OF CANCER HudsonAlpha Faculty Investigator Sara Cooper, PhD , and her lab are at the forefront of this genetic exploration. The field of cancer genetics has made major strides over the past few decades in identifying common genetic changes that predispose individu- als to cancer. While these gene variants have been game-changers for many individuals in their cancer journey, numerous others with cancer diagnoses do not have these common genetic changes. Dr. Cooper and her lab aim to identify more genetic changes associated with different types of cancer. Through a collaboration with Clearview Cancer Institute in Huntsville, Alabama, Cooper’s lab is studying the genomes of individuals with a strong family history of



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