HudsonAlpha Research Report 2023-2024


G ene expression, the process by which genetic information is transformed into functional proteins, is funda- mental to life. While genes them- selves provide the blueprint for life, their activity is intricately regulated by specific DNA sequences known as regulatory elements. These elements, such as promoters and enhancers, play a pivotal role in determining when, where, and to what extent genes are expressed. Understanding these regulatory rela- tionships is crucial for comprehending human health and disease. However, unraveling the complexities of gene regulation is a daunting task. Numerous factors, including genetic variation, epigenetic modifications, and environmental influences, can impact gene expression. Traditionally, it has been hard to gain a good pic- ture of the regulatory landscape. To address these

challenges, scientists at HudsonAlpha are pioneering innovative approaches to investigate transcription factor biology. Their work is shedding light on how genes are regulated under diverse conditions and how disruptions in this regulation can lead to diseases. DEGCRE: IDENTIFYING ASSOCIATIONS BETWEEN DIFFERENTIALLY EXPRESSED GENES AND REGULATORY ELEMENTS HudsonAlpha Faculty Investigator Rick Myers, PhD , and his lab developed a valuable computational tool, DegCre , to revolutionize our understanding of gene regulation 1 . Research Faculty Investigator Brian Roberts, PhD , led much of DegCre ’s development. This innovative tool identifies associations between

with D eg c re , we can test potential treatments in cells to assess their ability to correct abnormal gene activity and gain insights into their mechanisms of action.




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