Volume 2024 | No. 2
14.05.05 Generator Monthly Load Test Overview of the requirement:
Emergency generators are tested monthly per NFPA 110.
Comment on deficiencies:
Compliance is assessed through review of testing logs. Most deficiencies resulted from inconsistent testing frequency.
Frequency of citation:
Examples of surveyor findings:
n Monthly testing was completed on June 1, July 20, and August 3. This is a span of 50 days followed by a span of 14 days. The required time frame is not less than 20 or more than 40 days between testing events. n The calculation of the monthly generator test under load was incorrectly calculated and did not meet 30% of the name plate rating, thus requiring an annual load bank test. The organization had not performed an annual test. n The manager stated that the generator is started weekly, and load tested monthly, but no documentation of the testing was available. n Pay attention to intervals between tests. “Monthly,” per NFPA 100 means between 20 and 40 days. n Documentation of all testing is the only way to verify that it has been performed. Don’t lose credit for the work because of a failure to log. A combination test for the tri-annual and annual test can be performed to meet both requirements, eliminating the need for two separate tests. The first three hours must be not less than the minimum loading of 30 percent of the nameplate kW rating and the remaining hour must be not less than 75 percent of the nameplate kW rating.
Tips for complianc e:
14.05.09 Utility Systems Overview of the requirement:
Electrical utilities are maintained in fire-safe condition.
Comment on deficiencies:
Compliance is assessed through observation. Deficiencies were cited for panels with “spare” breakers in the on position, unlabeled panels, and open junction boxes.
Frequency of citation:
Examples of surveyor findings:
n Junction boxes were found to be open in multiple locations. n Electrical panels had energized breakers labeled as spare. n A line isolation monitor electrical panel was missing legends.
Tips for complianc e:
n Close all junction boxes, regardless of location. n Label all circuit breakers and keep those that are unused in the off position. n Ensure all electrical panels are protected from unauthorized access—in other words, locked if in an unsecured space—but accessible to authorized personnel.
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