Return to Earth: Understanding the healing power of grounding. The idea that getting your bare feet in the grass and connecting directly to the Earth’s energy can be good for you, heck, even help the body heal, and reduce inflammation seems a little “woo woo”. However, this is the case, and there is actual scientific research to back it up. To better understand why grounding works, you must understand how the body produces energy, and what the actual function of this energy is in the body. The human body is a battery Our cells run on electricity…bioelectricity to be exact. These cells then send this electricity to the central nervous system (CNS), and the CNS makes everything in the body run and function. Which means the human body literally runs on electricity. Think about the battery on your phone, or any device, when it shows the percentage of battery life left. If the body is only say 53% charged up, then you are only producing energy 53% as effectively as you could be, which could very well mean feeling low on energy, as well as having a host of low level, chronic issues due to poor systemic functionality. The physical human body is a bag of water, bacteria, and cells. It’s estimated that there are around 40 trillion cells in the human body, and it’s within these cells that this bioelectricity that the human body runs on is produced. Imagine if all 40 trillion cells in your body were working more effectively and more efficiently at producing the energy (bioelectricity) that fuels the entire body. Imagine how seemingly everything would work better, how all functionality would improve.Furthermore, if you think about lifestyle oriented, chronic disease…disease develops over time. It doesn’t simply show up one day. No, it develops over time due to dysfunction in the body, due to metabolic inefficiencies inside our cells. When our cells are healthy, fully vital, metabolically efficient, meaning they are producing bioelectricity very efficiently and effectively, disease cannot develop in the cell.
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