Soar Flipbook

Write, Talk, and Post... Anonymously

The SOAR Social Platform is here to help student-athletes get more

comfortable talking about their mental struggles by allowing them to connect anonymously with other athletes across the country who may be dealing with similar feelings and experiences.

reports also show that only 10% of collegiate athletes ask for help. In a recently released NCAA survey with responses from over 9,800 student-athletes, 69% of women’s sports participants and 63% of men’s sports participants said that they can identify a mental health

athletes and getting them on a track to obtain a better daily mindset with their mental health. According to the NCAA’s chief medical officer, mental health is the single most important health and safety issue facing student-athletes. Sadly, data from NCAA

SOAR allows student athletes to talk freely yet discreetly about their challenges with peers who can relate to their experiences. The SOAR anonymous social platform is the solution for overcoming the personal obstacles facing collegiate

The best medicine for those struggling with their mental health is an opportunity to speak openly and honestly to someone who wants to listen, while the biggest obstacle is getting people to feel comfortable with



the vulnerability of sharing their story.

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