Dear Friend of Biola: Will you do something for me, as a personal favor? Please study carefully the large panorama picture I am sending you in this magazine (November, 1935). It represents the Biola family—students, faculty, and business staff. This picture, sent to you with my compliments, is my best effort to pass on to you the challenge that is gripping my own heart—the vastness of the opportunity that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is facing today. Do you not thank God with me that in the besotted America of 1935, such a radiant group of young people exists as the one which the Bible Institute of Los Angeles claims? The picture was taken soon after -the enrollment of the fall semester of 1935. At that time, 380 young people were, enrolled, coming from twenty-two states of the Union and seven foreign countries. They are members of twenty five Christian denominations. A W O R K O F FA ITH How is provision made for the training of these young people at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles? No denominational board contributes a cent to the cost of their education. No endowment fund nor invested capital possessed by the Institute is sufficient to cover the cost. This work, in a very real sense, is a FAITH WORK—a daily trust in God for every requirement. Prayerfully, often blindly, in reliance upon the faithfulness of God whose promises .have never failed, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles goes forward in steadiness oL'faith. And day by day, through the hands of His devoted stewards, the Lord meets the need. Truly, the Bible Institute of Los Angeles is "Kept by the Power of God." H E L P L E S S N E S S To me, there is something very beautiful and encouraging about the thought of the helplessness of this great Institute, from the human point of view: of its utter dependence upon the prayers and forethought and sacrifice of God’s people, as these friends are moved to act by the gentle and unseen influence of the Holy Spirit. The marvel grows as one considers that never for a single day in the more than a quarter of a century of its existence have its doors been closed for lack of funds. And yet the cost is tremendous, for the Bible Institute of Los Angeles ministers to thousands both here and in China. More than $28,000 will be needed between now and the close of the fall semester. An estimate of the cost of training an individual student follows: For entire school year................................•.................... $150 For a semester or school term....................................... 75 For a month....................................................................... 20 For a w eek ................................................. 5 For a d a y ................. 1 P A R T N E R S H IP With this table of figures before you, may I ask you to face these facts and queries honestly: The LORD is working on behalf of Biola; twenty-five years of history attest the fact. What will He have ME to do? The LORD will find some one who will enter into
partnership with Him in meeting the present need for stu dent training. He has never failed. He will not fail now. Shall I be the man, the woman, who will seize the oppor tunity of being a laborer "together with God” ? The LORD will pay high dividends now, and through out eternity. Shall I receive them?
This personal word to you is not an appeal for funds; rather, it is the presen tation of the biggest, safest, best-paying investment that I know anything about. T H E K IN G ’S B U S IN E S S R E Q U IR E T H H A S T E My friend, you know, as I do, that every indication points to the near return of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Biola young people are eager to take the message of saving faith to men before it is too late. Will you help them on their way by providing now for their mental and spiritual equipment? As you look at the Biola family picture—which I.hope you will frame and hang in your home—f will you ask the Lord, as I am daily asking Him: "What wilt thou have ME to DO?” Yours in His service,
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