November, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
“ Don’t cry. Rejoice, for this is a holy day unto the Lord. Don’t be sorry now, but remember that ‘the joy o f the Lord is your strength.’ ” Then the people dried their tears and had a feast to celebrate the reading of God’s law. For seven days there was great gladness, and each day the book of God’s Word was read.
heart. The glass is now full. Some hearts are as full of sin as this glass is full of corks. The psalmist knew about sin’s entering the heart, and he said: “Wherewithal shall a young man cleanse his way ?” The world has been asking this same question for thousands of years and has answered it in various ways. Some have said that educa tion would do it. Others have said that the right kind of friends would change the heart. But the writer of the psalm answer ed the.question correctly when he said: “ By taking heed thereto according to thy word.’iSj God’s Word, the Bible, tells of Christ and His power to save from sin. W e will let this water represent the Word o f God. As it is poured into the glass, the corks leave. It is just this way in life. When the Word o f God is recieved into the heart, sin goes. Sin cannot keep company with the Bible. It is necessary that we should keep the heart filled with the Word of God. We know that the corks of sin will certainly return to the heart that is only partly filled with the Word o f God. The reason that many of God’s children are doing things displeasing to Him is that they do not keep their hearts filled with the W ord of God. messenger of the covenant.” The prepara tion would be by the preaching of repent ance for the evil ways o f which Malachi speaks to the people (cf. Matt. 11:10; Mk. 1 :2, 3 ;Lk . 1:17, 76; 7:27). 2. The manner o f the Lord’s advent (vs. 1-3). Here the truths concerning the first and second coming of the Lord are blended— a principle which frequently occurs in the writings of the prophets.. In verse 1, there is a reference to “the Lord, whom ye seek.’* In reality, the people sought in a selfish spirit, desiring the Lord’s blessing to be bestowed in their own way, and not His. But He would “suddenly come to his temple,” that is, not immediately but un expectedly. The same thought is found in Revelation 22:7, where the words, “ I come quickly” mean “suddenly,” rather than “at once.” The “messenger of the covenant” was indeed coming—but the people would not be anticipating His appearing. It is written: “Who may abide the day of his coming ?” or, “Who shall stand when he appeareth?” He would come to purify and cleanse from sinfulness and iniquity which the people desired to retain. The immediate purpose of His coming would be to purify the “sons of Levi,” that is, the priesthood. The priesthood must be right before ever the people will be right; but when it is, “they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.” Thus acceptable worship would be reestablished (v. 4). This verse refers, o f course, to the second coming of Christ. Malachi bears witness against the super stition o f the people, their moral wrongs and deceit, and their public and social irre- ligion and oppression (v. 5). Haggai had promised them that if the temple were rebuilt, they would have prosperity. The temple had been rebuilt, but the prosperity had not come. Malachi now shows the reason. Outward conformity was useless. The temple was the outward sign that they were God’s people, but their wickedness bore testimony that they were not God’s
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Objects: A tumbler, enough corks to fill it, and a pitcher of water. Lesson: This empty glass reminds us of the heart. These corks stand for sin, and as I throw them into the glass, I want you to name some sin which comes into the
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