King's Business - 1935-11

November, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


Book.” To obey God’s laws, we must know and love them. Lesson 12. “ God’s Best Promise Comes True.” The birth of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose coming was prophesied, was the fulfillment o f God’s best promise.

adaptable to any recipient. Envelopes for mailing are of course included. These gift combinations are packed in boxes of six sets, assorted in design. In­ dividuals or organizations wishing to act as agents may order these gifts in lots of eight boxes for $4.80 and may sell them for $8.00. Special bonuses o f free boxes are offered when SO, 100, or 250 boxes are ordered at one time. Inquiries and orders should be addressed to the Louis Manu­ facturing Co., 1143 Fifth Ave., New York, N. Y.

CLOSING DOORS The tragedy of it! Our missionaries barred! A nation left to perish! What can be done? What M U S T be done? The N A T IV E C H U R C H must be built and strengthened. N A T IV E M IN IS T R Y must be encouraged and sent forth. TH IN K ! W ORK! to this end and PRAY with us intently. The “ W orld Dominion” Prayer Group invites your most earnest co­ operation; meets 1st and 3d Thurs. eve. at 379 W . 41st Street, Los Angeles. W rite us.

INDISPENSABLE WARNINGS TO GOD’S PEOPLE Sunday School Times says: “ An unusual array of facts and figures . . . plain truths presented in a manner that is sane, clear and awakening.“ Moody Church News says: “ We unhesitatingly commend this book.“ “ PROPHECY AND THE TOTTERING NATIONS” By Keith L. Brooks, Editor “Prophecy Monthly” A big book in every sense of the word, yet only 50c, that all may read it. In combination with year subscription to “ Prophecy Monthly“ ($1 year)— $1.35 for the two. NOV. ISSUE of “ Prophecy“ offers striking articles: Are Women Preachers An Evil Sign?; Perils in Palestine Prosperity; Jews Still Allowed to Blow Their Noses in Ger­ many; New Deal of the Old Roman Empire; Communists Working Through Young American Girls. 10c for one issue; a 4 months trial for 25c. Back copies all sold out. BROOKS PUBL ISHERS 2003 ADDISON WAY LOS ANGELES, CALIF. when Standard says TRUE to the BIBLE it has an easily understood meaning

Object Lesson C o u n t e r f e it s

Objects: A silver half dollar and an imitation dollar. (Take a piece o f tin foil and put it over a silver dollar. Rub with the handle of a spoon until the likeness on the dollar is clearly transferred to the tin foil. Trim the overlapping edges to the same width as the real dollar. Remove the dollar from the tin-foil shell. Paste a yel­ low paper heart on the back o f the half dollar.) Lesson: If I were to give you that which I hold in either of my hands, which would you take? “ The right one.” The right is not always right. In this case it would be wrong. You boys and girls do not know a counterfeit when you see it. This dollar in my right hand looks real, but is only an empty shell. You could not spend it. It looks good, but it is worthless. This half dollar in my left hand is real. It does not pretend to be worth as much as the counterfeit, but it is in fact worth much more. It is real, and the other is false. There is something else about this real coin that I want you to notice. It has a heart o f gold which goes with it. The empty coin has no heart. These two coins remind me of the gifts which are brought to Christ. Some people have only an empty shell o f profession or pretense. They come to church, but not to worship God. They are concerned about meeting their friends, or about showing their new clothes. There are others who are real. They give their gifts to God, and with their gifts they give their hearts. In thinking o f the wise men who came with their gifts to Jesus, we often forget that their greatest gifts were their hearts in worship. _The truly wise always include their hearts in their gifts to God. The foolish give Him only an empty shell of profession. Their hearts are not in it. Gifts That Emphasize Scripture Gifts that can bear a spiritual message long after the Christmas season has passed, meet a need felt by many Sunday-school teachers and other Christians. This sea­ son the Christian public is offered a new combination of an artistic Christmas greet­ ing card and a pearl-finish metal com­ pact pencil bearing either the words of John 3 :16 or the Ten Commandments. Any standard pencil stub will fit the holder after the original pencil has been used. The Christmas cards, embossed in silver, and with well-designed metallic seals, are sufficiently general in their sentiment to be

When we say that Standard Graded and Uniform Lessons are Christ-Cen­ tered, T rue-to-the-B ib le, we simply mean that Standard lessons present the Bible as the uniquely revealed W ord o f God ; the Father’s divine revelation to His children. I f you hold this same conviction about the Bible, and believe that True-to-the- Bible lessons should be taught in the Sunday School, your choice will be Standard. Complete details will be sent on request along with specimen lessons. Write to ­ day. Address Department K B -1 1 THE STANDARD PUBLISHING CO. 8TH & CUTTER STREETS, CINCINNATI, OHIO

FREE PROSPECTUS Tell us department in which you are interested and number of students in your school and whether you use graded or uni­ form lessons.


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