King's Business - 1935-11

November, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


that He who, in the year just closing, has in “goodness and mercy” followed us “all the days,” will change in His attitude and relationships to us? He has characterized Himself by the words':1“I am the Lord, I change not”—-“the same yesterday, and to­ day, and for ever.f* Therefore, as we face .the year to come, let us remember that the new problems will but constitute part of God’s “all things” which He has promised to “work together for good.” As to our part for the future, we shall do well to heed the admonitions of Peter as recorded in 1 Peter 3:10-16. That the future may be made up of “good days,” we must recognize the omnipresence of our L ord; and we must lean upon Him as the One who hears and answers prayer. From the negative viewpoint, we must first of all refrain our tongues from speaking evil. This control is not .the curbing by natural will power, but by praying:. “ Set a watch, O Lord, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.” Secondly, we must “eschew [turn from] evil” with a whole-hearted determination to “seek those things which are above.” , : ' On the pqsitive side, we are to seek peace,: which is found, not in the pleasures of the world nor in the pursuits o f self- interest, but in Him who came to earth that He might give men “the peace of God, which passeth all understanding” ; we are to “sancti fy the Lord God” in our lives, to crown Christ a’lHiord, to place the government of our lives- upon His' shoulders. Suggestions on Daily Readings 1. C onviction (1 Pet. 3:15). 1. The Bible does not appeal to a- blind credulity. Many of its statements are above reason, but none of them are against it. God’s continuous appeal is contained in the inspired summons : “ Come now, and let us reason together.” Young people, the Bible has nothing to fear from the exer­ cise of your reason! It is not possible that God who built up your brains, and en­ dowed you with that marvelous faculty of reason, will ever do violence to one of His noblest gifts.— S elected . 2 . In order that we may be able to give “a reason of the hope” that is‘ in us, let us follow the injunction o f Paul to young Timothy: “ Study to; show thyself ap-,.' proved unto God” (2 Tim. 2:15). Salva­ tion is by faith, but knowledge o f Scrip­ tu re'’comes only by definite, persistent study (Prov. 13:4). II. C ourage in T rial (1 Pet. 4:12, 13). Peter’s ministry was largely to the Jew­ ish Christians who, under heavy persecu­ tion, were scattered abroad. He knew that, in view of the temporal blessings promised to Israel o f old, these Jewish believers would be perplexed at their suffering. Peter therefore calls to their attention, the fact that Christ first suffered for them; and that now it is to be their privilege to suffer with Him. Nor are they simply to endure trials, as would a Stoic. As Chris­ tians, they are to say with Paul: “We glory [we rejoice, we exult] in tribulations also.” Suffering is part o f God’s; school that we might learn lessons otherwise un­ taught. In the year to come, may any trial or suffering which is to be ours, not serve to dishearten us, but to cause us to “look away unto Jesus.”

jects give when their king appears among them. Our . . . God should be worshiped by ,a happy people. A cheerful spirit is in keeping with His nature and acts, and the gratitude which we should cherish for His mercies. In every land Jehovah’s good­ ness is seen; therefore, in every land should He be praised. Never will the world be in its proper condition till with one unanimous shout it adores the only God. O ye nations, -diow long will ye blindly reject Him? Your golden age will never arrive till ye with all your hearts re­ vere Him 1 . . . The invitation to worship here given is not a melancholy one, as though adoration were a funeral solem­ nity, but a cheery, gladsome exhortation, as though we were bidden to a marriage feast . . . “ Come before his presence with singing.” We ought to realize the presence of God, and by an effort o f mind to ap­ proach Him. — C harles H addon S purgeon . Illustrations for the Leader ' l . F am ily I nfluence Centuries ago, the Lord said o f Abra­ ham : “I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way o f the Lord” (Gen. 18:19). And wherever the patri­ arch pitched his ■tent, there he built ah altar and he and h is!family worshiped. The old adage that the father and mother are each “a l o o k i n g glassijwhich the child often dresseth himself by” is hu­ morously illustrated in the fable which tells o f a mother crab who exhorted her little ones, “ Go forward! Go forward!” The children cried, “ Show us the way,| Mother, and we will go.” Thereupon the mother crab began to crawl—not forward, -as^iShe; admonished her children, but backward and sideward as she herself was accustomed to move. Then the children replied, following her example: B ‘Lo, we gorijust as you go, Mother.” Thus it is that if homes are to be Chris­ tian in atmosphere, the parents should es­ tablish the example.'.' II. O ur W orship (John 4:23, 24). 1. The authority for it: The Father seeks it. 2. The Object of it : The living God. 3. The power for it : The Holy Spirit. 4. The manner o f it: In truth (sincerity). 5. The place of it si In the holiest of all (Heb. 10:19-22). 6. The character of it: Spiritual (Heb. 13:15). 7. The acceptance of it :’ “By Jesus Christ” (1 Pet. 2:5). ¡jag -T. D. W. M., in 1,000 Subjects for Speakers and Students. DECEMBER 29, 1935 M Y HOPES FOR THE NEW YEAR R omans 8:28 ; 1 P eter 3:10-16 We stand in the twilight o f 1935, on the threshhold of 1936. Just what the past year has truly meant to us, the coming year will reveal more definitely than could any formal declarations at present. As we look backward, can we not say that Ro­ mans 8 :28 has been a reality—that He, our Saviour and Lord, has made “all things work together for good,” ; hot because we have been deserving, but simply because we “love God” and are “the called accord­ ing to his purpose” ? And is it conceivable

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