King's Business - 1935-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1935

III. G ood C onversation (1 Pet. 1 :1S). God’s holiness demands a holy people. Such was God’s call to His people of the Old Testament dispensation (Lev. 11:44) ; such is- His call to His people of the New Testament age. The word “conversation” as used by Peter and Paul is not to be thought of as being limited in meaning to that which we speak. It is rather our word “ciftzenship,” or “manner of living.” Paul in writing the Christians at Philippi urged them to let their “conversation be as it beeometh the gospel of Christ” (Phil. 1:27). Paul would indicate more than spoken words and say rather—if we take the more lit­ eral rendering: “Worthily conduct your­ selves in that manner which is becoming to the Glad Tidings of Christ.” Irfipther words, do not be incongruous in the testi­ mony of your lips and life. Let your whole manner of living exemplify the profession of your lips. Some one has aptly said that there are two parts to being a Christian: “ Believing, the gospel and behaving the gospel.” The word “comeliness” connotes a grace, a beauty or loveliness which is not merely external in its nature, but which comes from within. The King’s daughter, as de­ scribed in Psalm 45, was not beautiful be? cause of her “raiment of needlework” only, but because she was “all glorious' within”—there was the outshining of the Lord’s glory from withinnher. Jerusalem was' famous among the nations for her beauty, and yet we read in Ezekiel 16:14 that the city’s beauty “was perfect through my comeliness, which I had put upon thee, saith the Lord God.” O f none other than the Lord Jesus can it be said, “He is the One altogether lovely.” And only to the extent to which we let Him live in us and live through us can we become “comely.”.; We dwell in a world which needs to see Jesus; among people who, consciously or unconsciously, are repeating the . words o f the Greeks of old : “ Sir, we would see Jesus.” Let us choose the words of the well-known chorus,,.f:;‘Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me,” as a prayer of our hearts for the coming year: “ Let the beauty o f Jesus be seen in me, All His wonderful passion and purity; O Thou Spirit divine, all my nature refine, Till the beauty of Jesus is seen in me.” II. R adiance 1. A Japanese lady called to see the head mistress o f a mission school. “Do you take only beautiful girls in your school?” she inquired. “Why, no 1 W e welcome all girls,” was the reply. “But I have noticed that all your girls are beautiful,” the woman exclaimed. “Well, we teach them to love our Sav­ iour, Jesus Christ, and He gives them a look o f holy beauty,” replied the mission­ ary. “ I myself am a Buddhist, and I do not desire my daughter to become a Christian. Yet I should like her to attend your school to get that look on her face,” was the re­ ply.—A n U nknown C hristian , in The Glory Christian. Illustrations for the Leader I. C omeliness

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