King's Business - 1935-11

November, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


strong that it can break through a troop, or leap over a wall. When our confidence in God is firm, we “laugh at impossibilities, and cry, ‘It shall be done.’ ” — C harles H addon S purgeon . “Feed on His faithfulness” ; Fret not at ill— /. Look up!—He sees and knows, Rest and be still. ■—-S elected . , DECEMBER 20 Refusing the Pleasures of the World “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world” (1 John 2 :15),, Nothing will sooner show you the folly of setting your affections on the things that are on the earth, than to remember that it is a doomed world. God has a terrible account to .settle with the world that re­ jected His Son, and as,surely as. He lives He will settle it. To be taken up with a doomed world is a perilous business, as the history of Lot so plainly shows. The world will laugh at you for your narrow­ ness if you persist, in the pilgrim’s'-path. . . . . Your own relatives may be ashamed o f you. But God will take up your name and will not be ashamed to be called your God. He will make up to you a hundred­ fold for every loss, every inconvenience, every reproach, every pain that you suffer on your journey to the fatherland. —J. G regory M antle . DECEMBER 21 The Lord’s Property “M eet fo r the master’s use" (2 Tim. 2 : 21 ). The vessels o f the sanctuary, in the He­ brew ritual, were not only made of pre­ cious metal, but they were made also to the divine order. There was nothing Aaronic or Mosaic about them, as to design of pat­ tern. All were of God. And when pre­ pared “according to the pattern showed . . . in the mount,’’ they were used only where, and in what service the Lord should appoint. They were sacred, holy vessels- ' the Lord’s property . . . “A vessel unto honor, . . . and meet for the master’s use” every Christian should be, always and everywhere. . . . As the vessels of old were never to go outside the sanctuary, so we should find our service, fellowship, and delight “in the secret place o f the Most High,” and “under the shadow of the A l­ mighty.” There He will use and honor us. —W. F rith . DECEMBER 22 Strength in the Vine “ Abide in me, and I in you” (John IS :4 ). The glory [of the branch] is that it stands in a certain intimate relation to the vine, the source of its energy and fruitful- mess. It disclaims every other glory. . . . Its fountains are where they should be—in the vine; and its blessedness is that it is united to the vine. In order to bring forth much fruit to Christ, we must cease from ■our own fruit. If any man thinks himself wise, let him . . . . daily realize his own in­ ability to guide himself in any matter, and look to Christ for guidance. — G eorge B owen . I could not do without Thee; I cannot stand alone; I have no strength or goodness, no wisdom of my own ; But Thou, beloved Saviour, art all in all to me, And weakness will be power, if leauing hard on Thee.— S elected .

H IT* T T~> Feed the Hungry & L j MT Clothe the Naked The stricken children of China lift appealing hands. For twenty years the Home of Onesiphorus has rescued and cared for Chinese boys and girls, abandoned by pov­ erty stricken parents or orphaned by flood and famine. The winter in North China is long and bitter and cutting. Shoes and padded garments and simple wholesome food are necessary to save lives for Christ. Your Prayers And Aid Are Needed We cannot meet the demands for Christian charity unless you and other loving friends send us help. Our work main­ tains a Christian home and school for growing youth and a shelter for the aged and infirm. Sustained solely by faith. Hand Embroidered Christmas Gifts

Products of Chinese skill and artistry made in the Home. Beautiful linen table sets, dresser scarfs, etc. Proceeds carry on the work. These artistic gifts will delight you and your friends. Write for free booklet “ Helping China's Helpless” and illustrated catalog of hand embroidered linen. Address: HOME OF ONESIPHORUS £7flZei% Drawer 11, 2811 North Racine Avenue Chicago, Illinois

( E f y r i s l m a s d n f t

Nothing will bring more joy and satisfaction to the Bible lover than a S Y S T E M A T I C C O U R S E O F B I B L E S T U D Y !

Such a Course Can be Taken in the Quiet of One’s Own Home B Y C O R R E S P O N D E N C E

As a Christmas gift this year, why not present your friends with an enrollment in one of the many courses offered by the Bible Institute of Los Angeles? It will be something different and yet most beneficial, especially to Christian workers. The one enrolled will be givefi the privi­ lege of exchanging the course for another, if not entirely satisfactory. Write today for free prospectus fully describing the courses offered .

Correspondence School, Bible Institute of Los Angeles, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Please send prospectus describing Home Bible Study Courses .



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