King's Business - 1935-11

November, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

that He makes “darkness his secret place.” They learn far more of God through His consolations than they ever could have done in other ways. Weakness and defeat and sorrow are not without the Father ; so by His grace the night wears through, and the day again appears. — W illiam M ac G regor . DECEMBER 27 A Name in Which to Trust “Because he hath known my name” ( P?a 91:14). Jehovah is the name o f the God of Covenant. The only thing that gives you a right to claim the Most High as yours, or the Almighty as yours, is that you have first claimed Jehovah as yours by the blood o f the covenant which Christ sealed with His own life. Do you know what it is to say, “My God” ? “My God, in him will I trust.” Now, what is trust? Trust is con­ fidence in truth. What is the highest trust but confidence in the truest Being in the universe? He who, as Most High, never changes; who, as Almighty, possesses power which none can resist; who, as the Jehovah o f the Covenant, becomes mine in Christ—He is the truest o f all beings, the God o f Truth.—A. T. P ierson . DECEMBER 28 Asking Largely— For Christ’s Sake “Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive” (John 16:24). The Master is wearying for the develop­ ment of the pupil. He seeks it in the prog­ ress of his prayers......... Name above every name, purify my desires. It is by my de­ sires that Thou measurest my progress; teach me to pray. It is not new desires I want; it is a new name in which to bank the old treasures—Thy name instead of mine. Yet it is not less of gold I would seek now; it is less o f self. I feel as if I needed the wealth o f this world more than I ever did; but now I need it for Thee. It is not a change o f money; it is a change of investment. I put it in Thy name. I bank it for Thee.— G eorge M ath eson . DECEMBER 29 Intercession “Brethren, pray for us” (1 Thess. 5:25). Too long have we thought o f prayer simply as a means for the supplying of our need in life and service. May God help us to see what a place intercession takes in His divine counsel, and in His work for the kingdom. And may our hearts indeed feel that there is no honor or blessedness on earth at all equal to the unspeakable privilege o f waiting upon God and bringing down from heaven, and o f opening ibe way on earth for the blessing He delights to givel— A ndrew M urray . Lord, I have shut the door, Speak now the word Which in the din and throng Could not be heard; Hushed now my inner heart, Whisper Thy will, While I have come apart, While all is still. — W illiam M. R u n y a n . DECEMBER 30 Rejoicing All the Day “In thy name shall they rejoice all the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted” (Psa. 89:16).

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