King's Business - 1935-11

November, 1935


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Has Some Questions^ ------

To rejoice in God’s name is to find our consolation and strength in the Lord Him­ self, in His attributes and perfections.;;It isiito see that God is for us. And inasmuch as God is the same yesterday and today arid forever, we may rejoice “all the day.” Circumstances may change, trial and sor­ row may overtake us, but God will remain ever the same—and we may continue to rejoice. The righteousness of God is the secret of the believer’s exaltation, because it places him above the power o f the law to condemn. He is in that righteousness exalted to a position of complete accept­ ance. He is “justified from all things” (Acts 13:39).— S elected . Although there is something artificial and mechanical about a calendar, yet the end o f the year is inevitably a season of moral and spiritual stock taking, when we look back over the road we have traveled, and mark all the way the Lord our God hath led us. This is the only kind of retro­ spect which obtains Biblical sanction arid if we indulge in it on the present occasion, it is in order that! we may find added rea­ son for thankfulness to our covenant- keeping God. . . . . What God has been, He will be. He gives us the pledge that His presence shall go with us. With a full heart, we can sum up all our grati­ tude by exclaiming: “Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift .”—Life o f Faith. About the Lord Jesus Christ 1. The eternal Godhead of Christ (John 1 : 1 ) . : .2, The humanity of Christ (John 1 :14). 3. The sufferings of Christ (1 Pet. 3:18). 4. The victory of Christ (Rev. 1 :18). : 5. The advocacy of Christ (1 John 2 : 1 , 2 ). 6. The return of Christ (Matt. 26:64). —R. T. P rechous , in the Pilot. Heaven’s Rally Day A prophetic group of messages including: “ The Christian’s Invasion of the Enemy’s Territory,” “ A Radio Questionnaire on the Lord’s Second Coming,” answering the questions: “ How do we know Christ is Com­ ing Some Day?” “ When is Christ Coming?” “ What Will Happen When Christ Comes?” “ How is Christ Coming?” And a special Bible study on “ The Complete Program of the Second Advent.” It’s just the booklet you have been looking for, Compact, simple, informative. These publications are sent free of cost (though not in quantities), as the offerings of God's financial stewards will permit. Address Publisher Rev. Charles H . C. Jackson 5228-42nd Ave. S.W., Seattle, Wash., U.S.A. IF Y O U A R E A Q U A K E R . . . . . have a Quaker ancestry, or are interested in , Quakers (Friends), you will want to read an I article to appear in The Gospel Minister (a j weekly publication) in one of its November issues. A postal card will bring a free copy, j Please sen,d names o f others who you think i would be pleased to receive a copy. THE GO SPEL M IN ISTER • Westfield, Indiana ! DECEMBER 31 At the End of the Year “ We will rejoice in thy salvation . . . we Will remember the name o f the Lord’’ (Rsa. 20:5, 7).


So Pastor Icantell says this, and Doctor Wise says just the opposite, while Professor Knowsit says that both are wrong. But, What Saith the Lord? ORDER “THUS SAITH THE LORD”; And with many other wonderful things. Find out how to get your questions answered correctly. 255 pages. Cloth $1.00. See review by your Editors in the Sept, issue. Our profits are devoted to the cause of placing Bibles in Jewish homes. THE SCRIPTURES PUBLISHING SOCIETY 1624 Cleveland Ave., S. W., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Our Great Redemption E phesians 1 :7 1. The greatest wonder in the world— “redemption.” 2. The blessing redemption brings^ “ forgiveness o,f ,sins.” 3. The Person through whom it comes —“our Lord Jesus Christ . . . in whom.’’ 4. The means by which it is accom­ plished—“through his blood.” ■ 5. The way we become possessed of itSS united to Him, “in whom ye also trusted” (cf. v. 13). 6. The great fountainhead of all—“ the riches of his grace.” — J ames O rr , in Twice-Born Men, by Pickering. mer is taught in Romans 4:2-4, where the Holy Spirit through Paul is discussing the sinner’s justification “before God” ; and the other appears in James 2:14-26, where the same Holy Spirit through James is dis­ cussing the believer’s, justification before men, and where the key words are “show me” and “ye see” (vs. 18, 24). God looks upon the heart and sees the faith there, and that faith is counted unto us for righteousness.- . This transaction occurs when we first believe, and it is- justification by faith. It is thi^;-justification:j3before God” that saves, us, and i f is “without works.” It may be a long time afterwards that we are able to demonstrate our faith in the sight of men, so that they may be shown, or made to see, that we are truly born again. It is true that both Paul and James cite Abraham in their arguments, and both point to Genesis 15:6; but James quotes in this connection the words, “and he was called the Friend of God.” : God called Abraham His friend in Isaiah 41:8, but Jehoshaphat also called Abraham a friend of God in 2 Chronicles 20:7. Abra­ ham was justified in the sight of men as well as “before God.” But . James cites another scripture. He points to Genesis 22:12. There,;was an interval of forty years between Ahraham’s believing the Lord in Genesis 15 and his offering up of Isaac on the altar in Genesis 22, and during all that forty years Abraham was a saved man. In brief, Paul in Romans 4 is occu­ pied with our salvation, while James is concerned about our testimony. There is no disagreement between them. It Was Paul who in another place wrote that “in Jesus Christ neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcisiott,; but faith which worketh by love” (Gal. 5 :6 ); and again, “Ye were sometime darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children o f light” (Eph. 5:8). There is no controversy between Paul and James. They are. not fighting each other; rather, they are side by side fighting the common foe. Three Perplexing Questions . , [Continued from page 412]

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