November, 1935
T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
SI J I 5 O . S O 50
Both for $ 1.00 POSTPAID
A NEW SUBSCRIPTION The Ilustrator ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR lorrey’ s Cistof theLeson By R. A. TORREY, DJ>.— Price 35c
A NEW SUBSCRIPTION The Illustrator ONE YEAR, ONE DOLLAR M il’s Practical Commentary Edited by Specialist« In each Dept.—Postpaid $1.00
Both for $1.50 POSTPAID
The Thirty-sixth issue of Dr. Torrey's vest-pocket commentary. So eompact that it can always be carried with you to improve spare min utes on train, car, while lunching, everywhere. Flexible cloth, net 35c.
Nearly 240 large octavo pages packed full to overflowing with just the sort of practical help required by the teacher. Hints, illustrations, blackboard exercises, maps, etc. Cloth Binding, $1.00 postpaid.
Both for $2.50 POSTPAID
A New Subscription
$1 .00 Offer Enclosed please find $1.00 For THE ILLUSTRATOR (one year) TORREY'S GIST OF THE LESSON Name..
$1 .50 -$2 .50 Offer Enclosed please find............... .......... For ____.THE ILLUSTRATOR ____.PRACTICAL COMMENTARY ____ THE MINISTER S ANNUAL Name................................ ...,1............
The Minister's Anual
Compiled and Edited by JOSEPH McCBAY RAMSEY No minister should willingly miss this opportunity to get this valuable aid. Never before has there been assembled in a single volume such a treasury of the latest church service materials from the nation's great preachers. THE ILLUSTRATOR — 158 Fifth Ave., New York City John Bunyan’s Advice Frank M. Stearns, Burlington, Vt., has reprinted, in a booklet of convenient size, a series of questions and answers prepared by John Bunyan, covering the subject of Christian doctrine. Written in the unique style o f the author of Pilgrim’s Progress, this seventy*two page booklet, illustrated with quaint drawings, presents the plan of salvation clearly. Price IS cents each. Christmas Booklet The tract entitled, “ The Missing Ones,” has helped many readers to understand the imminence of the Lord’s return. This story is now offered by Mrs. N. H. Griffin as an attractive Christmas booklet with art cover in colors. Mrs. Griffin has added to the story a number of scripture portions under appropriate headings. The booklet has twenty-four pages, size 3^ x6 inches. It may be obtained from the publisher: Box 55, Station C, Pasadena, Calif., at 15 cents a copy, or nine for $1.00. New American Office for Home of Onesiphorus, China For the past two and one-half years or more, the American office o f the Plome of
(Please print your name)
(Please print your name)
Evangelistic Notices Harold Alexander, gospel soloist and song leader, spent the summer in San Diego, Calif., where he and his wife served the First Baptist Church in connection with the Exposition Evangelistic Campaign which was in progress for 167 consecutive nights. Beginning November IS, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander will be free to accept calls to assist pastors in their evangelistic efforts. They may be addressed at Box 321, Los Angeles, Calif.V Leonard J. Eilers, 124 North Florence, Burbank, Calif., is scheduled for meetings at the following points: Oct. 20 to Nov. 3, First Baptist Church, Calexico, Calif.; Nov. 10 to Dec. 1, Union Meeting, Sweet Home, Ore.; Dec. 8 to 22, Community Church, Prineville, Ore. Carl C. Harwood, a pastor for twelve years, has felt called of the Lord to serve in the evangelistic field. As a Bible teacher, Mr. Harwood teaches the Word simply, clearly, and convincingly. As a children’s worker, he is not only popular, but also successful in making Bible truth real to boys and girls. He is also a musician, and his Victor Theremin Instrument of Mystery, which has no keys, strings, reeds, or pipes, and is played without touching, adds interest to his meetings. “We will gladly serve the small churches as well as the large,” Mr. Harwood writes. “ Our aim is to win the lost to Christ and build up the saints in the most holy faith. This, we believe, can be done only by the preach ing o f the gospel and the teaching o f the Word.” Churches desiring to communi cate with Mr. Harwood may address him at 1801 Humbolt Street, Denver, Colorado.
Onesiphorus has been located at 3131 Lincoln Ave., Chicago, 111. These quarters have become too small; consequently, the office has been moved to 2811 North Racine Ave., Chicago, 111. The new location affords the American office o f this well-known orphans’ home, which has been maintained by faith, in Taian, Shantung, China, for nearly twenty years, an opportunity to display the linen and silk goods made by the children and women in the Home. Christian greeting cards, gospel pencils, and other appropriate items and novelties are also available to laid the Home in rescuing Chinese children, 'victims of flood and famine. A postcard will bring complete informa tion free of charge. The Greek Student’s Monthly This eight-page publication is appro priately termed, “A Magazine for Lovers of the Greek Scriptures.” It is meant primarily for those who have a working knowledge of Greek. But lessons in Greek grammar, for the beginner, appear from month to month, so that all who are lovers of the English Scriptures might have a better understanding thereof through acquaintance with the Greek language. Mention is made from time to time of recent developments and findings in the field of New Testament Greek; a question box is maintained, and, in addition to a regular monthly study of a passage of Scripture from the standpoint of the Greek, there is a lesson for private study with questions and answers. The maga zine is both simple and scholarly. The subscription price is $1.00 a year. Order from Rev. J. E. Jackson, 20259 Santa Maria Ave., Hayward, Calif.
LISTEN IN Beginning October 30, four mornings each week—Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday—from eleven to eleven-thirty, Pacific Standard Time, the President of the Institute, Paul W. Rood, may be heard over KM PC, Los Angeles (710 kilocycles). His subject will be "Coming Events Through the Tele scope of Prophecy." Dr. Rood is giving these messages while Dr. Louis T. Talbot, who is usually heard at this hour, is away for about two months, conducting meetings in the East and Middle West.
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