King's Business - 1935-11

November, 1935

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


c _Around the King’s Tables

B y P a u l W. R oou

D. L. Moody said he would travel a thousand miles for a-good thought. It is related that he once offered a prize for the best thought submitted. The following won

“ Wist ye not that I must be about my The King’s Father’s business ?” was the answer of Jesus Business Christ to His mother’s rebuke. What was the Father’s business? Christ gives the an­ swer in Luke 19:10: “ For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost,” Christ’s errand to this world was to seek and save the lost. His business is the disciples’ business. “ As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you” (John 20:21). Our primary work is to win souls for Christ. We are to continue this work until Jesus comes., “ Do business till I come,” said the Lord in Luke 19:13. There is an urgency about this business. It must be done immediately. “ The king’s business requireth haste” ( c f . 1 Sam. 2 1 :8 ). There must be no delay.

Thanks Be Unto God !

the prize: “ Men complain because God has placed thorns upon roses. Wouldn’t it be better if they thanked God for putting roses on thorns?” How true it is that the majority are complaining about the thorns, and the minority are thanking God for the Toses! Ten lepers were healed, but only one returned to give thanks. Is it not true that nine out o f ten forget to return thanks? The Lord Jesus is still saying: “ Where are the nine?” When we take stock and count our blessings, we find that we have much that should make us thankful. Paul

frequently praised the Lord. It was he who said: “ Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift” (2 Cor. 9 :15). There are blessings that can be called “ speak- able gifts,” such as the ordinary blessings o f life that we take for granted. The material blessings— food, clothing, and shelter— should not be forgotten. God has given our country a bountiful har­ vest, and there is food enough and to spare. Idealistic blessings like books and friends certainly should be included in the thanksgiving list. The fact that America has been saved from war, famine, and pestilence should cause us to sing the doxology, to show our apprecia­ tion of national blessings. “ Every good g i f t ;. . is from above.’® Who can fully describe the spiritual blessings enjoyed by God’s people? The Christian church, in spite o f its enemies, still lives and functions for Christ. We have the ordinances o f the church and

The Bible Institute of Los Angeles is committed to this program. W e as ad­ ministration officials, faculty members, students, and employees are here to lead men and women to Christ. Our work as leaders and teachers is to train soul-win­ ners who will function effectively for Christ. Unless we by precept and example impart this vision and carry out this program, we have no excuse for our existence as an institution. Therefore, we opened the present semester with an evangelistic campaign, and we purpose to open every school year in like manner, by the grace o f God.

The very name o f our official organ, the K ing ’ s B usiness , indicates that those who gave this name to the maga­ zine had this, soul-winning program and passion in mind and heart. Our ambi­ tion and longing is that this periodical shall not only give comfort, instruction, and inspiration to the saints, but that it shall also be a soul-winning agency, so that men and wo­ men and boys and girls shall find the way to Calvary. If the prayer of one righteous man If Fifty “ availeth much,” what would be the effect if Thousand fifty thousand intercessors called on God? Prayed There is power in united prayer. The Lord Jesus said: “ That if two o f you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 18:19). “ The prayer power has never been tried to its full capacity in any church.” This sentence in a letter sent the recipient to his knees. Have we really made use o f our privileges at the throne o f grade ? Have we really utilized the power of prayer ? “ Prayer can do anything that God can do.” Do we really believe that “ prayer changes things,” that “ prayer releases the resources of God and makes it possible for the Holy Spirit to work” ? Have we accepted the challenge o f Jeremiah 3 3 :3 ? “ Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and show thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.”

the fellowship o f the saints, an open Bible and freedom to worship God and tell out the story o f Jesus and His love. God has given His people institutions that are loyal to the Book and leaders who are loyal to Christ. Revival fires are burning, in sortie parts o f the world at least. Certainly, we find many reasons to thank God for His speakable gifts. But Paul thanked God for His unspeakable Gift. Christ is that Gift. We cannot adequately describe Him or fully express the glories of His person and work. Paul was occupied with Christ. Sometimes we are so takeh up with the gifts that we forget the Giver. God has given' us Christ and all things with Him. Let us praise Him for His won­ drous incarnation, atoning death, triumphant resurrection, marvelous ascension, and' glorious return. Let us thank God for. salvation, forgiveness, fellowship; joy, peace, and hope. Thq spirit o f gratitude should dominate us as we think of Christ, o f who He is, what He has done; what He is, doing, and what He is going to do. “ For it: pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell” (Col. 1:19). “ But thanks be to. God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Cor. 1 5 :57).

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