King's Business - 1935-11


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

November, 1935

Recognizing the important place of prayer in the pro­ gram o f God, and the potency as revealed in history and experience, and recognizing further our impotence and in­ ability to cope with the problems that face us, we are ask­ ing God to raise up fifty thousand prayer warriors in behalf of Biola. If fifty thousand intercessors could be found who would pray through for this institution and all its activities in the homeland and in the regions beyond, every need would be supplied, every debt would be paid, and every problem solved. Will you be one o f the fifty thousand? We have already had a Day of Prayer in the school, and we trust that “ the spirit of grace and of supplications” is being poured out here at the home base. There must be such evidence o f the presence and power of the living God at Biola that no one shall ever have occasion to say: “ Where is their God?” Will you carry the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles on arms of prayer to the throne of grace ? mand as follows: “ Reckon on God’s faith- Faithfulness” fulness.” Do we dare to trust God ? Faith honors God. Every man that God has used has been a man of faith. The eleventh chapter of Hebrews, the Westminster Abbey of the Bible, reveals that the heroes of the Old Testament were heroes o f faith. W e need to­ day as never before the shield o f faith if we are to quench all the fiery darts o f the wicked. When we break down, we do it in the realm of faith. Jesus said to Peter: “ Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat: But I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not” (Lk. 2 2 :31, 32). Satan was seeking to break down Peter’s faith. The Lord was primarily interested in Peter’s maintaining his faith. The Lord is looking for faith and praying that our faith shall not fail. Faith makes us victorious. “ This is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith” (1 John 5 :4). The c _Annual ^Bible Conference January 26 to February 2, 1936 It seems pleasing to the Lord and to us that we should open our second semester with a Bible conference, as we opened the first semester with an evangelistic campaign. This first annual Bible conference will be held, the Lord will­ ing, from January 26 to February 2, 1936, and will be a "C o n ­ ference on Evangelism." Alumni of Biola, evangelists, pastors, Sunday-school teachers, and other Christian workers are especially invited to attend this convention. A strong program is being pre­ pared, and present-day needs, problems, conditions, and opportunities will be discussed. A memoral service in honor of Dr. R. A. Torrey will be held on his birthday, January 28. All of Dr. Torrey's converts, former students, and associates who are able to come should attend this service. W e are praying that this conference will be a great stimulus to evangelism throughout the nation. “ Have faith in God,” said Jesus. Hud- son Taylor paraphrased this divine com- “Reckon on God’s

prayer o f faith is answered. “ What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them” (Mk. 11:24). Shall we not take God at His word and really put Him to the test? “ Prove me now” is God’s challenge. Shall we not accept this challenge in be­ half o f Biola with its staggering needs ? God is the living God, the all-powerful God, the prayer-answering God. We need G od ! “ Lord, to whom shall we go ? thou hast . . . ” It is only God who can work this thing out. “ We are wrecked on the almightiness of God.” Our confidence is in Him. He will not put us to shame. “ If God is your partner, make your plans If God Is big,” D. L. Moody said. We need to get God’s Your vision and think God’s thoughts after Him. Partner We are too narrow, too provincial, too circum­ scribed. God wants to lift us out o f our pro­ vincialism and to give us a world vision. W e think of towns when we ought to think o f counties, o f counties when we ought to think o f states, o f states when we ought to think o f nations, o f nations when we ought to think of continents, o f continents when we ought to think o f the world. God so loved the world, not only your nationality or color. Christ loved the church, not only your denomina­ tion. God has bigger plans and a greater program than our finite minds and limited vision allow us to visualize. The psalmist had been delivered from his narrowness, and he joyfully cried ou t: “ He brought me forth also into a large place.” The Lord wants to do that for all o f us. May the vision of God’s purposes in Christ so thrill our souls that we shall see what God sees, and feel what God feels, and do what God wants us to d o ! Dr. James M. Gray, who so recently A Faithful has been ushered into the presence of the Servant Lord, had many outstanding traits that en­ deared him to the people o f God. He was a teacher and, as such, a gift from the ascended Lord to the church. Dr. Gray popularized the synthetic method of Bi­ ble study and has enriched all o f us by his platform work and by the products of his pen. He was a well-balanced man. He never went off on a tangent. When he spoke or wrote, it was a presentation that was acceptable to right- thinking people. He could differentiate between a prin­ ciple and a matter o f secondary importance. This ability is one o f the essential qualities o f a leader. Dr. Gray was a Christian gentleman. He was courteous, considerate, and magnanimous. He was a spiritual man. His natural gifts were controlled and enriched by the Spirit of God. Like Enoch, he walked with God. He was human. He had a sense o f humor. He was above all else a faithful servant o f the Lord. When Dr. Gray was invited to speak at the Sunday Eve­ ning Club service in Orchestra Hall, Chicago, a friend went to hear him, wondering how he would make use o f the op­ portunity. Here was an opportunity for a display o f scho­ lastic ability, for Dr. Gray was a scholar. Here was an op­ portunity for scintillating wit, for he had, as already stated, a sense o f humor. Dr. Gray read a passage from Holy Writ and preached an expository sermon as he would have done in any pulpit. When he was through, the friend, who had come out o f curiosity, went up to Dr. Gray, grasped his hand, and said with deep feeling, “ You are faithful!” Did he not express what every one who really knew Dr. Gray feels? He was a defender o f the faith. He never wavered, never compromised, never lowered the standard. He kept the faith. No more appropriate words could be in­ scribed upon Dr. Gray’s monument. May we emulate his example!

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