King's Business - 1939-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1939

Through Him you now may happy be,

" ‘Yes, of course. I’m in the world,’ he answered quickly. " ‘Now read that part of the verse again, Harry, showing that it means you.’ “And he read, ‘For God so loved me.’ He stopped and looked up into my face as if to ask whether it were really true. " ‘That’s right, Harry,' I assured him. ‘God does love you. Now read on and see how much He loves you.’ “Slowly and deliberately he read fhe next part, lest he should miss a single word — ‘that he gave his only begotten Son.’ " ‘Gave Him to die for you upon the cross of Calvary,’ I added. ‘He had to die for your sins, Harry.’ “Harry waited a moment before reading the rest of the verse. It seemed very won­ derful to him, this fact that Jesus died for him. Then he looked again at the page and read, ‘That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.’ “ ‘Whosoever is such a big word,’ I com­ mented. ‘It means any one in the whole world, and it includes you. According to the rest of this verse, if you believe that Jesus died for you, you shall not perish, or be lost, but right now you may have ever­ lasting life. Do you believe that Jesus died for you, a sinner, Harry?’ I asked, watch­ ing his face eagerly. " ‘Yes, I do,’ his answer was clear and without hesitation. “ ‘Then according to this verse, which is God’s own Word, what do you have?' I asked as I placed the verse before his eyes again. “ ‘Everlasting life.’ His reply was full of faith and came with a real joy. “ ‘Indeed you have,’ I replied, ’and you have it now, according to God’s own statement. God has written your name in His Book of Life, has washed away all your sins and has given you this wonder­ ful new life. Some day you are to live with Him in a beautiful home He has gone to prepare for you. Wouldn’t you like to say ‘thank you’ to One who has done so much for you?’ I asked. When he nodded, we both bowed our heads and Harry prayed, ‘Father, I thank Thee for Jesus my Saviour.’ "Now this story happened live years ago, but during all these years, Harry has been growing in this wonderful Christian life. You will find him every Sunday in Sunday- school, reading a Bible of his very own, one which he bought with his own money. He has often told me, too, that the dearest spot in this whole town to him is that street corner where he found the Lord Jesus Christ as his Saviour.” "I hope we can meet Harry while we re here,” Bob exclaimed, ps Aunt Phoebe finished. "Wouldn’t it be fun for each of us to tell about the day we were saved? My story wouldn’t be like Harry’s exactly, but I think it’s even better.”—M.S.H. Little Ones May Come Children of every age Matt. 11:28 May come to Christ today; 2 Cor. 6:2 May have their many sins forgiven, 1 John 2:12 H e is the only W ay. John 14:6 To bring us nigh to God Eph. 2:13 His precious blood was given: Eph. 1:7

Memory Work for July C hristian L ife S eries *

Phil. 4:4

Through Him may enter heaven.

Discussion: The Christian’s walk, con­ tinued. See the June issue of T he K ing ’ s B usiness . Question: How should a Christian walk? Answer: “That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Col. 1:10). “That ye would walk worthy of God, who hath called you unto his kingdom and glory” (1 Thess. 2:12). “I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called, with all lowliness and meekness, with long-suffering, forbearing one another in love" (Eph. 4:1, 2 ). *F or a complete list o f Scriptures for memory work in the Christian L ife Series, see previous copies o f T he K ing ’ s B usiness . “That Hand Never Lost a Man” It was among the Alpine heights. A dan­ gerous crossing had been reached, and the members of the climbing party were fearful. Reaching out his hand, the guide said to one, "That hand never lost a man.” The traveler passed in safety. Christ is the Guide. He never fails one who trusts in Him. He is able to save unto the uttermost—that is, all the way through. Not only can He save the vilest sinner who comes—He can do that, for He has once died for us. But He is able also to save right on to the very end the weakest be­ liever, because He ever lives for us. His hand never lost a man or woman or child. His own word is: “My sheep know my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out o f my hand” (John 10: 27, 2 8 ) .—From Signposts on Life’s W ay, by I nglis F leming . New K. Y . B. C. Members The following have read through the Gospel according to John and are now members of the Know Your Bible Club: Alameda, Calif.: Myrtle Graham; Esther Inge- man; Juanita Reals; Margaret Soderberg, and Dorothy Stewart (Margaret Downs, leader). Faribault, M inn.: Mary Helen Eisert; Robert Hagen; Thelma Miller; Lucille Stan; Wanda Snyder, and Maria Beth Watkin (Mrs. Archer Young, leader). Firstview, Colo.: George and Ruth Geary. Garden Grove, Calif.: Elsie Bartlett; Selma Harris; Jeanette Hebestreit; Patricia Powers; June Rogers, and Mary Jane Vanpool (Mrs. Susan Murphy, teacher). Greenville, 0.(7.: Ann Earle (Mrs. M. A. Cameron, teacher). Honolulu, T .H .: Betty and Phoebe Ho; Gloria Myhre, and Rose Takeuchi (Byron D. Boone, leader). Midwest, Wyo.: Delbert R. Chinberg, J r .; Lucille and Selmar Moeller, and C. Dale Stevens (Mrs. R. L. Stevens, leader). How to Join the K. Y . B. Club To become a member of the Know Your Bible Club, read through the Gospel according to John, using either your own Bible or a Gospel of John which will be sent upon request. When the Gospel has been read, and a statement to this effect, signed by parent or Sunday-school teacher, has been sent to the Editor of the Junior King’s Business, a K. Y . B. C. pin will be mailed. Sunday-school classes or clubs desiring to order ten or more Gos­ pels or pins may wish to share the cost of these supplies, as the Lord directs: Gospels, postpaid, five cents each— in quantity, three cents; pins, without postage, two cents each. However, no one is to do without a Gospel or pin because of lack of money. Address: Junior King’s Business, 558 Soutn Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Rev. 21:22

Yes! He has died for all, You may the blessing know;

2 Cor. 5:14

Rev. 22:17

Come then, at once, just as you are, Isa. 1:18 He’ll wash you white as snow. Psalm 51:7 He’ll keep and guard and guide, Heb. 13:5 Till He again shall come John 14:3 To call you by His voice of love, 1 Thess. 4:16 To be with Him “at home." 2 Cor. 5:8 —From Signposts on L ife’s W ay, by I nglis F leming .

Two Little Eyes Two little EYE S, to look to God, Two little EARS, to hear His Word, Two little F E E T to walk in His ways, Two HANDS to work for Him all my days. One little TONGUE to speak His truth, One little HEART, for Him now in my youth, Take them, Lord Jesus, and let them be, Always obedient and true to Thee. —Treasury Reciter. Bible Arithmetic Multiply the number of Jacob’s sons by the number of books in the Pentateuch. From this product subtract the number of books in the New Testament. Divide the result by the number of the chapter in John's Gospel which tells of the raising of Lazarus from the dead. To the result add the number of pigeons that Mary, the mother of Jesus, offered as a sacrifice in the temple. Multiply the result by the number of people who went into Noah’s Ark. The answer will be the number of years Saul, David, and Solomon each reigned as king. What is your answer?

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