King's Business - 1939-07

STARTS CHURCH LIBRARY WITH A ID OF "THE KING'S BUSINESS" The winner of the monthly prize for the period from May 15 to June 15 is Mrs. Ralph N. O’Dell, of Taft, Calif., whose letter appears below. A distinctive feature of Mrs. O’Dell’s idea which gained her the prize, was not only her kind assistance in securing subscriptions for THE KING’S BUSINESS, but also her vision of wide usefulness for THE KING’S BUSINESS. She is placing three subscriptions in her new church library and an additional subscription in the City Library of Taft, Calif. Idea Worthy of Imitation ate in every way possible with those who are willing to undertake a work of this kind. The Prize Offer The club rate for 6-months’ subscriptions be­ ginning with July and extending to and includ­ ing the December issue, is only 33 cents on clubs of 10, and 41 cents on clubs of 3 to 9. Many can take advantage of this offer by sending in a large number of pro rata subscrip­ tions and still be eligible for the contest.

For club organizers, this prize offer is IN ADDITION TO the liberal commissions (75c for each annual subscription at $1 .50 to be added to Clubs of 3 to 9 ; and 80c for each annual subscription to be added to Clubs of 10 or more). We are looking forward to a lively contest for the June 15 to July 15 monthly prize, and we ask our contestants to write very fully for the benefit of other readers of these columns. three for our church library and one for the city library. “You may send them all to the same address: The First Christian Church 7th and North Sts. Taft, Calif. (Harry Humphries, Pastor) “Oh, yes, I wish this order to begin with June so that our young people can have the complete story of Paul Hutchens’ 'Broken Life Line.’ “MRS. RALPH N. O’DELL, Box H, Taft, Calif.” “P.S. If you wish, you may send me Dr. Talbot’s 'Lectures on Ephesians’ for the four subscriptions as offered in your May issue. This will be another addition to our library.” . . .

If this idea were imitated in the thousands of American communities where the news stands are loaded with licentious colored literature, and the daily papers reek with crime, and the movies with sensational escapades, the opportunity for spiritual service would be immeasurably ex­ tended. We commend this plan to all of our con­ testants and friends, and will be glad to cooper­ “On Mothers Day I gave about seventy Christian books to our church for starting a library and reading room; most of these books have been bought from the Biola Book Room through THE KING’S BUSINESS advertisements. 1 consider it a privilege to place these magazines in our reading room. I earned my own money by doing fancy work and selling it. “I think THE KING’S BUSINESS has by far the best writers of all the Christian papers I have ever taken. I feel its value cannot be measured in dollars and cents for teaching young people in Sunday-school, Christian Endeavor, prayer meetings, and daily reading. I know of no better way to interest our people in THE KING’S BUSINESS than by putting it in our library. Enclosed you will find $3.00 for four one-year subscriptions (New)— . . . . P R I Z E

L E T T E R .

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There are more than 4,000 Christians who help THE KING'S BUSINESS by organizing subscription clubs among their friends. They are really the people responsible for the minis­ try of this magazine, and we can never be sufficiently grateful for the unselfish efforts that they put forth to place the magazine in the homes of shut-ins, Christian workers, and mis­ sionaries all over the world. Unfortunately they make their Club organizing a midwinter activity as a rule, and hence about 75% of our subscriptions come in during and fol­ lowing the Christmas season. Two Subscriptions a Month If each of our organizers would send us an average of just TWO subscriptions each month for the six dull subscription months beginning in May and ending in October, they would more than double the subscription list of THE KING’S BUSINESS. The effect would be beneficial to the persons involved because we could secure a better price for our advertising, and thus we could increase the size and depart­ ments in the magazine. We do not believe this work would entail great effort. And this ad­ vertisement is an appeal to these organizers to

Please remember that no letter will be con­ sidered for a prize unless you send TWO sub­ scriptions with the letter. You may send them in on the FU L L PAYMENT PLAN or the PRO RATA PLAN with which you are doubtless familiar (see page 159, April, 1939, issue), and we are sure they will cost you very little effort. You may a ct as a paid representative and deduct your commissions, or you may a ct as the secretary for a club and without profit merely aid us in our effort to increase our reader list, as you prefer. Your letters will be considered equally for the prize, and we shall be very grateful indeed for the help that you extend. Realizing that many of our organizers are working without compensation, we published in our May issue a list of books from which you may select any title in proportion to the number of subscriptions that you send during the current year. Please note that the number of books is limited, and to secure the title wanted you should send the club at once.

make a special effort along these lines in the next four months. Prizes for Subscriptions and Letters In order to stimulate interest, THE KING'S BUSINESS asks th at each organizer write a letter when sending in subscriptions. We want your letter to (1 ) Tell of your actual experience in secur­ ing the subscription; (2 ) Tell the point that you made which most impressed your prospect with a desire to read THE KING'S BUSINESS, and (3 ) Send us any constructive criticisms which may help you in securing sub­ scribers. Prizes to be Awarded Monthly Each month for the next four months, to and including October 16, we will award one prize of $10.00 for the letter that we believe con­ tains the most helpful suggestions to our other organizers. It is understood that we may pub­ lish any of the letters mailed, either with or without your address, as you may direct.

Sample copies and representative's supplies are available upon request. You can count upon us to do all in our power to assist you. A dd 25 cents fo r each yearly Canadian or foreign subscription; 13 cents fo r 6-months’ subscription to address outside U.S. Please address, Circulation Manager


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