King's Business - 1939-07

July, 1939

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S


“THE FUNDAMENTALS” A TESTIMONY TO THE TRUTH Edited by R. A . Torrey, former Dean of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated FOUR-VOLUME SET FOR ONLY TWO DOLLARS OR GIVEN FREE WITH FOUR ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE KING'S BUSINESS at $1 .50 each 25 cents additional for each Canadian or foreign address (Note: Sets will not be broken) O CCASIONALLY important historical events are identified with the publication of truth in the form of a book or set of books. The Encyclo­ Dr. Torrey then relates the appointment of A. C. Dixon as the first Executive Secretary of the committee, later succeeded by Louis Meyer, with Dr. Torrey him­ self as third in succession, with the title of “Secretary of the Testimony Publishing Company.”

pedists ushered in the French Revolution. Uncle Tom’s Cabin made articulate the slavery issue of our own Civil War. In the poems of Milton you will find the real spirit of the English constitutional uprising of the seventeenth century. The list could be extended inde­ finitely. T h e Fundamentals is an epoch-making work of this kind. Some believe that the summons to Protestant Christianity to shake itself free from the creeping paralysis of a pseudo-scientific modernism, a cry of protest and of faith which is today called “Fundamenta­ lism,” derived its inspiration from the publication of this widely circulated set of books. But let the late R. A. Torrey tell you the facts in his own words. We quote from the “Preface” to the four- volume edition of T h e Fundamentals: “In 1909 God moved two Christian laymen [Messrs. Milton Stewart and Lyman H. Stewart, founders also of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles} to set aside a large sum of money for issuing twelve volumes that would set forth the fundamentals of the Christian faith, and which were to be sent free to ministers of the gospel, missionaries, Sunday- school superintendents and others engaged in ag­ gressive Christian work throughout the English- speaking world.”

Twelve volumes were originally published, and Dr. Torrey notes that 300,000 “ministers and missionaries and other workers in different parts of the world” were included in the distribution of “several millions of volumes . . . for their confirmation and upbuilding in the faith.” After the completion of the twelve volumes, as originally planned, “the work was continued [and is today being continued—Ed.} through THE KING’S BUSINESS magazine.” But the demand for bound volumes continued, and in 1917 the Bible Institute of Los Angeles determined to issue a four-volume set, containing, as Dr. Torrey notes, “all the articles that appeared in T h e Funda­ mentals, with the exception of a very few that did not seem to be in exact keeping with the original purpose.” What is the value o f these books fo r the Christian leader or layman today? Some of the choicest names in all the field of evan­ gelical scholarship are to be found in the list of con­ tributors. And the work these men have done in answer­ ing many of the objections of the higher critics will never need to be repeated. Below are some of the authors and articles in the series.

A Symposium of Christian Scholarship

A Few of the Writers of the Ninety Articles in the Four-Volume Series. CANON DYSON HAGU E . “The History of the Higher Criticism” and ‘‘The Doctrinal Value of the First Chapter of Genesis.” JAMES ORR. “The Holy Scriptures and Modern Negations”; “The Early Narratives of Genesis,” and “The Virgin Birth of Christ.” SIR ROBERT ANDERSON. “Christ and Criticism.” W. H. GR IFFITH THOMAS. “Old

Testament Criticism and New Testa­ ment Christianity.” JAMES M. GRAY. “The Inspiration of the Bible—Definition, Extent, and Proof.” R. A. TORREY. “The Certainty and Importance of the Bodily Resur­ rection of Jesus Christ from the Dead” and “The Personality and Deity of the Holy Spirit.” BISHOP H. C. G. MOULE. “Justifica­ tion by Faith.”

G. CAM P B EL L M O RGAN . “The Purposes of the Incarnation.” Please note that the number of the above sets available is limited, fewer than 200 sets being on hand at the present time. The right is reserved to return any remittances arriving after the above allot­ ment has been exhausted. Orders will be filled in exact order of receipt. Immediate acceptance is necessary in order to insure securing one of these valuable sets.

THE KING'S BUSINESS Los Angeles, California

558 South Hope Street

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