King's Business - 1939-07


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

July, 1939

POPULAR $1.00 CHRISTIAN FICTION By Favorite Authors Blaze Star By Paul Hutchens

Books Reviewed

The second letter followed the first into the waste-basket, but when the third one came Dale determined to find out just who Maria was. Was she small and violet-eyed, as he dreamed? What was the important thing she had to say to him? The events that followed their strange meeting form a story of tangled love, of the struggle of faith over doubt. Once more Paul Hutchens has proved himself the presiding genius of the Christian novel,

Sixty Years an Evangelist By HAROLD MURRAY

the English Bible. It abounds in excellent ser- monic material. Part II, the larger section of the work, is devoted to Wyclif’s Bible Translations, portions-relating to both the Old and New Testa­ ments. The annotated bibliography is especially helpful. 289 pages. American Tract Society. Cloth. Price $1.75. The History of Christianity in America By FRANK GRENV ILLE BEA RD SLEY “To set forth within moderate compass the story of Christianity in its relation to the making of our republic is the purpose of the present volume.’’ The study is divided into fourteen chapters, the first being called “Religious Beginnings in New

Not a biography, this book is, rather, “an inti* mate study’* of that romantic character who left a gipsy tent to preach the gospel to multiplied thousands. The author's qualification to write such a book as this was gained through intimate associa­ tion with Gipsy Smith during many of his evange­ listic campaigns. Reading the book, one hears again the quiet pleading of the Gipsy’s voice, speaking for his Master. 143 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Cloth. Price $1.00. The Seventh Hour By GRACE LIVINGSTON H ILL This book is the story of a brother and sister

whose environment during their years of childhood was entirely different, and who, brought to­ gether under strange cicum- stances, were brought face to face also with the Lord Jesus Christ and His claim upon young lives. The mother, who had deserted her husband and son, had drunk deeply of the wine of modem worldly pleasure and had taught her child to be like her. The gospel message underlies the whole. 320 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co. Cloth. Price $2.00. Witnessing with Power By A LBER T HUGHES Reflecting the flame of Pente­ costal power, these ten devo­ tional studies in the book of The Acts are inspiring a and reverent. “Acts is th e witness book,** the author points out, and he goes on to show ;;the necessity and the holy possibility of present-day witnessing in the power of the Holy Spirit. Mini­ sters will welcome the scholarly exposition. 150 pages. Zonder­ van Pub. House. Cloth. Price $ 1 . 00 . It Can be Done By W ILLIAM W ILLIAM S This work has for its subtitle ‘‘Carrying out ‘The Commis­ sion’ in Venezuela.’* The author, ‘‘without belonging to any mis­ sionary society, board, or com­ mittee,’’ spent twenty-seven years in evangelism^ in Vene­ zuela, and the book is a recital of his experiences in this con­ nection. 253 a pages. John Ritchie, Ltd., Kilmarnock, Scot­ land. Cloth. Price $1.00.

England,’’ and the last, “The Great World War and After.’’ There are chapters on “The Awakening of 1800’’ and “The Great Revival of 1857-1858,’’ and other important periods in American history. Dr. Beard­ sley has a comprehensive grasp of church history and an ability to set forth his findings con­ vincingly. 244 pages. American Tract Society. Cloth. Price $1.50. How Long? By MAX ISAAC REICH Having as its twofold sub­ title, “Why the Jews are Per­ secuted and Studies $ in the Psalms of Israel,” this illum­ inating study of Scripture and history is the product of an eminent Hebrew Christian, one who, converted from Judaism, has given his life to the procla­ mation of the message concern­ ing Christ’s salvation. With brilliant literary gifts, Dr. Reich here “expresses the pure distil­ lation of a devotional study.” 118 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. A New Oxford Bible The Oxford Coral 16 Mo. Text Bible has been designed to satisfy the need for a Bible of handy size in a verylegible, bold-face type. It is, in fact, the largest type Bible of its size that is now made. Words and phrases originally printed in italics are set in the same type as the rest of the text matter—an arrangement that makes for easy reading. The size is 6$4 x 4 % x 1 inches. The book is self-pronouncing, and is offered in a number of bindings at prices ranging from $1.50 to $5.50. 1,152 pages. Oxford U n iv e r s ity Press. French Morocco Leather. Price $3.50. Golden Nuggets from the Greek New Testament By KENNETH S. W U EST The purpose of this readable little book is to make available

in this, his tenth full-length • Yesterday’s Rain By Paul Hutchens "This book presents Nadene Thornton in all the beauty of tested love, as she and Ronald Shepler meet again after the girl’s seven years of mission service in Ceylon. Yesterday’s Rain leaves the reader, like spring showers leave the earth—clean and re­ freshed." T H E K IN G ’ S B U S IN E S S , J a n ., '3 9 Also by Paul Hutchens:

Windblown; Mastering Mar- eus; This Is Life; The Voice; A Song Forever; The Last First; This Way Out; Ro­ mance of Fire—$1.00 each, postpaid. • Mary Sunshine By Bertha B. Moore

Abraham to Allenby By G. FREDERICK OWEN In one handy volume, written in scholarly, reverent style, the history of Palestinian affairs covering four thousand years is presented vividly by one who is an evangelist, world traveler, and Oriental scholar. The provision of reference notes, bibliography, and sub­ ject index makes the book valuable as a reference volume, while the narrative character of the chapters makes for easy, fascinating reading. Maps and illustrations add to the attrac­ tiveness of this beautifully printed and well-bound pub­ lication. 351 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Cloth. Price $2.50.

It was no wonder they called her Mary Sunshine, but a day came when Mary stood looking after the train which carried Victor away to join the sol­ diers in France, " I'll be back in a few weeks," he assured her, but months came and went, and she faced stag­ gering problems alone. W rit­ ten with sy m p ath y and compelling force. Price $1.00. Also by Bertha B. Moore: Doctor Happy; Ordered Steps; Joyous Judy; Girl of the Listening Heart; Rock of

Down Through the Ages By FRANK E. GAEBELEIN Intended as a rapid survey of the history of the Bible, this valuable little book by the Head­ master of the Stony Brook School for Boys has the advant­ ages of conciseness, clarity, and readability. Each of jvthe ten chapters is short and vivid. The message has special valuea for youth, to whose interests it is keyed. 106 pages. Our Hope Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00. _ _ _ _ _ The Heathen By HENRY W. FRO ST The question of the spiritual status of the heathen constantly recurs among thinking Christian people. Dr. Frost has answered satisfactorily from the Scriptures such queries as: “Is the term ‘heathen* justified in our modem day?’’ “Are the heathen lost?’’ “Can the heathen be saved apart from Christ if they live up to the light that they have?’’ “ Do they make good Christians?’* Though not purporting to be an »rexhaustive treatise, this pamphlet will suggest fair answers to these per­ sistent difficulties. 107 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers, Findlay, Ohio. Paper. Price 35 cents. John Wyclif and the English Bible By MELVIN M. CAMMACK A contemporary of Chaucer, Wyclif was per­ haps the first great English ecclesiastic to oppose boldly the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church. He became known as “the morning star of the Reformation.’* The book is a scholarly investiga­ tion into Wyclif's relations to the development of

Decision —$1.00 each, postpaid.


By David P. Allison "Another novel by the author of Greater Love Hath No Man and The Testing Time, writ­ ten in the same clear style, presenting equally beautiful characters as . the heroes, teaching the same high moral and spiritual lessons, thrill­ ing us with a beautiful romance. To start to read it means to finish it before you can put it down. We cannot have too many books of this c h a r a c t e r ." — The Watchman • Examiner, March '39. Send for a complete list of

to persons unfamiliar with the original text, the added richness which a study of the Greek Scriptures brings. Refreshing in their simplicity, these sixty-two brief comments will be welcomed alike by the layman and the pastor. The author is teacher of New Testament Greek at the Moody Bible Institute, and the chapters of the book were first given as popular radio messages. 122 pages. Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub. Co. Cloth. Price $1.00.

Asked and Answered By HARRY A. BALDW IN

A layman, whose desire it is to shale with others the benefit derived from personal study of the questions addressed to and answered by the Lord Jesus Christ, has provided in this little book a wealth of information. The studies are in out­ line form, each one considered along the lines of Time, Context, Setting, Questioner, The Question, Our Lord’s Method and Answer, and Some Obser­ vations. A master in the use of the question method as a teaching device, the Saviour is pre­ sented in these pages as the one who is the Truth. 127 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.00.

our Christian fiction (25 titles) ; also devotional and sermon books, commentaries, Sunday School supplies, etc. WM. B. EERDMANS PUBLISHING CO. 234 Pearl Street • Grand Rapids, Mich.

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