I am A Woman A Daughter A Sister A Friend A Colleague A Wife A Mother A Godmother
An Aunty A Cousin
A Neighbour A Volunteer
A shoulder to cry on............The list is endless..... I was LOST Yes LOST down the neck and at the bottom of another bottle too many. Yes, I was slowly losing my identity and allowing the dark thoughts of "What was my purpose any more in life?" to enter and take over my headspace. I am now an Hola Sober Warrior and with a whole heart, mind and body in RECOVERY and on this path to re invent myself to the person I want to be. I am here now for the rest of my wonderful life. This is truly my chance to a better life, and to the remainder of my life. "FALL IN LOVE WITH THE HABIT AND NOT THE RESULT" James Clear
The habits build up to the results. -Mac- (Hola Sober Village Voice)
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