Editor's note Welcome to our Sunday morning at Hola Sober where we enjoy a little motivation, inspiration, colour, joy, beauty, and fashion over morning coffee. Hola Sober November came out this week, and there has been a wonderful reaction to the new look cover and design for which I am very grateful! Thank you dearest reader you make all of it, of which there is much, very worth it! I have company this weekend with the lovely Linda ( Hola Sober Host + Columnist ) on a weekend visit to Madrid. It's hard to imagine my world without the lovely Linda center stage in it and the reality is that sobriety gifted me in ways that continue to confound me and inspire me and Linda is part of the constancy of wonder that is now part of my day. Very early on in Hola Sober, I asked her to be a host knowing she had that beautiful touch that women in early sobriety needed. The lovely Linda McGrath-Redmond is a wonderful meeting leader and trojan support to me in my mission to create positive sobriety offering empowerment for women in a space that does not charge women for the key to the golden ticket that is sobriety. Hola Sober is not just a magazine, it is the sum of many parts including the Pledge 100 Sober Empowerment Program and Meetings for Women Only and our Sunday and Monthly magazines. This morning, pour some coffee and enjoy a easy Sunday read in the presence of some lovely women with some beauty and fashion and Hola Sober kitchen thrown in for some good measure. Please join me as I look skyward and say not today lady, not today.
Lots of love,
Susan Christina Creamer
Susan Christina Creamer EDITOR + PUBLISHER
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