2016 Fall

This tree-lined driveway leads to Boone Hall Plantation and Gardens, just one of many plantations in the city. Photo by L. Michael Whited

Broad Street, the venue for many of Conroy’s memories.

A must-have souvenir—locally made sweetgrass baskets.

In April of 1861, Confederate soldiers fired on the Union-occupied Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor, thus signaling the beginning of the Civil War. Charleston was slow to recover from the devastation of the war. However, its pace of recovery became the foundation of the city’s greatest asset—its vast inventory of historically significant architecture. Short on capital after the war, Charleston was forced to repair its existing damaged buildings instead of replacing them.

To find prime birding areas, check CharlestonAudubon.org.

To really understand Charleston, learn a little about its history. Founded in 1670 by English colonists, Charleston grew from a colonial seaport to a wealthy city by the mid- eighteenth century. This was due in part to the cultivation of rice, cotton, and indigo thanks to savvy plantation owners and hard-working slaves.


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