King's Business - 1917-07




To be Held at Montrose, Pa., under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

T HERE will be held in Montrose, Penn­ sylvania, July 9 to 27, 1917, under the auspices of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, a Summer Ministerial Institute, for ministers, missionaries, and.evangelists. The Ministerial Institute will have as its purpose to provide definite instruction in the^English Bible and practical methods of Christian work, and to minister to the deeper spiritual needs of the minister, evan­ gelist and missionary., Its plan will be daily lectures each morning. Occasional lectures (mostly stereopticon) in the evening. Afternoons reserved, for the most part, for -recreation or study. Some of the very best Bible teachers, expositors, and preachers of the country are engaged to teach, among whom may be mentioned Dr. R. A. Torrey, Dean of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles; Dr. William Evans, Associate Dean; Dr. M. G. Kyle, professor of Biblical Archaeology, Xenia Theological Seminary; Dr. W. H. Griffith- Thomas, Wycliffe College, Toronto; and others. There will be definite instruction in the Great Doctrines of the Bible, the use of the Bible in personal soul winning,, the study of the Bible ^by Books, the prepara­ tion of sermons and Bible addresses and the teaching of popular Bible classes, the discoveries in archaeology and their bear­ ing oh the Sacred Scriptures, and a course of lectures on Great Biblical Problems. No better opportunity has ever been offered to ministers, missionaries, and evan­ gelists to acquire a thorough, comprehen­ sive, and practical knowledge of the Eng­ lish Bible, to become better acquainted with the best methods of Christian work, and to obtain new power in life and service. Plan for this opportunity. Arrange your vaca­ tion accordingly. Tuition is free.

Board and room may be secured as fol­ lows: The minimum cost for entertain­ ment iS $1.00 per day for the full time. For less than ten (lays the charge will be $1.25 per day. This accommodation will be in tents or dormitories. There are cot­ tage accommodations, with board at the dining hall, which may be secured for $1.40 per day, for ten days or over, and $1.50 per day for less than ten days. Montrose is a splendid summer resort. There is a good country club affording golfing, tennis and other facilities at rea­ sonable charges. Those desiring informa­ tion may address R. M. Honeyman, Mont­ rose,. Pa. Preachers and Preaching (Dr. Evans). The Spade and the Scriptures (Dr. Kyle). Studies In Christian Doctrine (Dr. -Torrey). Personal Work (Dr. Torrey). Archaeology Interpreting the Scriptures (Dr. Kyle). • Studies in the New Testament— Gospels and Acts (Dr. Evans). Were the Canaanites a Civilized People? (Illustrated) (Dr. Kyle). Preachers and Preaching (Dr. Evans). The Handmaids of History and the Historical Imagination (Dr. Kyle). Studies in Christian Doctrine . (Dr. Torrey). TUESDAY, JU LY 10 WEDNESDAY, JULY 11 DAILY SCHEDULE (Subject to Re-arrangement) MONDAY, JULY 9

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