King's Business - 1917-07

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F OR several weeks past great activity has been manifested by the members of the fleet, which every spring makes ready for a dash to the far north and its fishing banks. A large number of vessels annually leave for the summer season’s catch, and as many as 500 cannery hands made up of Italians, Mexicans and Chinese are often found on a single sailing-vessel. For a. whole moiith while on their way these men have nothing to do but drink and gamble. The majority of these vessels are reached with the Gospel, and one of the brightest scenes was the time we had with a stal­ wart Mexican whom the Lord enabled us, and who being warned of the dangers of the trip, said, “God can keep me a Christian in Alaska as well as in San Francisco. I can not stand alone, so if He goes with me I have no fear.” To a former partner, who was responsible for his present employment, when asked if he would not go north as usual with; him, said, “You know, Joe, I’m not the same man you employed last year; I’m a new man, a Christian, and I’m no use to you now.” Whereupon this -man offered him a posi­ tion as storekeeper, a much better position and one of trust. “The Way of God,” in Spanish, and a Gospel were gladly received, and upon request several other English books were given him, as he expected to do Christian work among the English-speak­ ing Alaskan Indians. Seeing the poorly-dressed” wives and mothers of the men who came down to the ship to receive part of the money paid the men in advance, amidst the misery and sin, one’s heart could not but go out to the

Lord for this multitude, as sheep without a shepherd. Will you not" pray for this man who is in dire need of our prayers? Oh another vessel of the salmon fleet we could plainly see the Lord’s Spirit 'work­ ing. It seems that a number of sailors, after two days of drinking, finally were awakened^ to sensibility, and sat in a group talking over the prospects of the future, when interrupted by the appearance of the worker. They were sober and conscience- striken to be so unexpectedly approached by a “Minister of the Gospel,” and finally had to come down to the confession that they had made fools of themselves in doing what they did two days before. The worker not expecting to find an opportunity to preach a sermon was rather unprepared, but soon was invited by the men to talk to them. It was great to see the Lord get­ ting things ready. God’s love was pre­ sented, showing how much bigger fools they were to reject the wonderful love of God and Christ. A man came in swearing and mad, when one of the sailors said, “Now, Jim, nothing like that here; we have a minister here and he is talking tp us trying to do us good; sit down and be quiet and listen to him, he is telling us of the Gospel.” The sermon proceeded, until two men came in wanting a corkscrew to open wine bottles, and quicker than one could tell it, the same man made these fel­ lows put their wine bottles away and become listeners. The Lord was dealing with them, and the seed was sown, when the cook came in, and coming up to the speaker said: “How about Rockefeller?” However, that man was sorry he spoke as

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