King's Business - 1917-07



to feed and clothe, with bread at 15 cents a loaf, but he is hungrier for the bread of life. Just one more incident. .This is a man whose name is well known throughout the sporting world; a man who has made big money by giving exhibitions in the ring for several years. He drifted into one of our meetings at San Pedro while A1 Jennings, the ex-bandit, was holding up men for Jesus Christ, and as he stepped out of the meeting, our watcher for Söuls, who had been crying to God to lead him to a really hungry soul, came face to face with him. A few tender loving words wassail that was necessary to call out the story of dis­ couragement and disgust for all the wasted years, “I want what A1 Jennings has,” he said. The story was made simple apd plain, and kneeling down they told it all into His great, loving, waiting heart, and the load was gone. \ A 7E .request the prayers of God’s peo- * * pie for our work among the Jewish children of Los Angeles.- Of late there has arisen bitter opposition to the work of our Bible School; .Some of the Jewish women have gone so far in their attempts 'to stop our work as' to visit systematically the homes of our Jewish scholars, and warn the children and their parents against us, saying that we would teach them to believe in Jesus Christ. (Thte average Jewish mother could think of no greater calamity than that to befall her children). As a result of this opposition, attendance at the Bible School has fallen off in marked degree, but we are hoping and trusting that the Lord will overcome th is,obstacle and that the present condition will be but temporary. “All my sins were laid on Jesus, Jesus bore them on the tree; •

God who knevfr them, laid them on Him, And believing, I was free.” The contracted habits of years were broken in a moment; the morphine, the booze* and the cigarette went out as Jesus came in. You may be sure that such a trophy of grace will have conflicts and battles, for Satan will contest every inch of the ground. Almost at once came an offer to engage in a bout which meant thousands of easy money; this was turned' down. Then an old chum appeared with a big roll of, bills, but with face set as a flint, this man starts out to look for honest work, walking from the heart of the city to Pasadena, tramping all day and still keeps up the effort rather than accept help from newly-found friends. Will you pray that he may be strengthened, fed and sent out as a mighty testimony to the saving, keeping power of God, for this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes. The young Jewish man of whose con- version we told last month, has, as so many converted Jews do, become fired with an evangelistic zeal and everywhere he goes he is telling out to Jews and Gentiles the old, old story of Jesus and His love. At the close of a recent prayer-meeting in the church of The Open Door, he brought to one of our workers a middle-aged Jewish friend whom he was very desirous of see­ ing won to the Lord, and to whom he had been talking about the things j f God, and giving an account of his own experience with God. She had never had strict relig­ ious Jewish training and so was not preju­ diced ' against Christianity. Her heart was hungry for spiritual things and it was no't very difficult, nor did it take very long, before she received Jesus Christ as her

------------O------------ WORK AMONG THE JEWS

James A. Vaus, Supt.

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