King's Business - 1917-07



changed and they attend our Mission Sun­ day School. A young man we spoke to on the street at San Pedro listened attentively, after which he said, “I and my parents are all Catholics, but I have never heard the Gos­ pel spoken of as you do.” We asked him if he wanted to be saved by accepting Jesus Christ, and he said, .“Yes.” Then we asked if he would accept Him now, and. he said “Yes.” We stepped into the prayer room of “Biola Hall,” knelt down, and then and there he accepted Christ. Although he could not understand English he remained to the Mission ‘service and read the New

Testament during the service. Thus we have been able to save some from the awful wreck. Last but not least, the Lord in His good­ ness has permitted us to open a Mission Sunday School for Mexicans at West Alhambra, there being quite a Mexican set­ tlement in the neighborhood with a lot of children. The first Sunday we had thirty- one in attendance; the second, thirty-four, and thus the Lord is adding daily such as Should be saved. Will you not pray that this Mission among Mexicans may bring many souls to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. '


Geo. P. Wicker, Evangelist

T N making my first year’s report to the -*■ C. E. Society, I want to say that this has been a wonderful year in our lives', and our work is growing dearer all the time. The Lord has given us sixty-three souls since April 1st, and over twenty consecra­ tions ; and out of those twenty consecra­ tions, four are now preparing to enter the Bible Institute this fall. At Cordova, where we just closed a meeting, there are sev­ enteen young people who have definitely consecrated their lives to the Lord, and it is the desire of their pastor that every one of them should enter the Bible Insti­ tute just as soon as they finish high school. They are now planning to send from three ,to four machine loads of people to the C. E. convention in Riverside instead of just one person as they had intended before we held the meeting. Last Sunday they organized a Junior Society and had eighty-four in Sunday School. This is just a rural com­ munity. The pastor has come out into the full light of the gospel—justification by by faith, not by works—and today he has the livest, best working, praying church

with which we have come in contact in this part of the State. We have had many interesting expe­ riences, some very trying ones, yet “My grace is sufficient,” and there never has been a time when we have felt discour­ aged or doubted God’s call. He set His I seal upon our very first meeting by giving us two souls and making it possible for us to organize a Sunday School, which is still running. These first converts are still standing and working for the Master. We are sure that these results are the fruit of our faithful friends’ prayers, and know that in many cases, we could not have accomplished anything at all without them. God has heard and answered prayer. May this coming year, if He tarries, show even greater results for Him. May we, as workers, work just a little more, and may you who are praying, pray just a little more, so that He may have more fruit at His coming; and may we be able at the close of our day’s work to say that we did all we could.

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