King's Business - 1963-12

DECEMBER, 1963 Thirty Cents

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A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor • S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Board Chairman DECEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 54, No. 12 Nineteen Hundred and Sixty-three Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home

available for DAILYHEADING

A / t t i í k HAVE YOU SEEN HIS STAR — Vance Hamer ................................. 12 TH E WONDER AND MIRACLE OF CHRISTMAS — E. Frederick Mertens .......................................................................... 14 STILL W A ITIN G FOR HIS BIRTH — Don Hillis ................................. 15 TH E BEAU TY OF CHRISTMAS — L. E. Maxwell ............................... 16 M Y FIRST CHRISTMAS IN ALASKA — Jean Van Diest ................ 18 GOD'S UNSPEAKABLE G IFT — S. Franklin Logsdon .......................... 19 TH E BOOK NO M AN COULD WR ITE — Luther W . Youngdahl .... 21 A CHR ISTIAN TOWER FOR LONG BEACH ........................................ 22 NED AYAR IAN RETURNS TO PRISON — Jeanette Lockerbie 24 C A U TIO N : EVANGELICAL SWINDLERS — Clyde Taylor ................ 26 I LIVE IN A HAUN TED HOUSE — William L. Coleman .................. 28 TH E INCOMPARABLE CHRIST ................................................................. 35 HOW T O USE TH E BIBLE .......................................................................... 43 TH E CONFESSIONS OF A TEACHER ..................................................... 45 HEAVEN — Keith L. Brooks ..................................................................... 46 TH E CALIFORN IA ADVENTURE — Betty Bruechert ....................... 50

This beautiful religious calendar presents a care- fully-chosen verse for each day of the year. Full- color reproduction of a famous painting for each month and many other features. For. half a cen­ tury Messenger Calendars have inspired Christian living through faithfulness in Daily Bible Heading. Front Cover, in full color, lovely painting of “The Boy Jesus“ in pastoral setting. Back Cover, suitable for framing, “The Twenty-third Psalm,“ in full color, a work of typographic art. Single copy 45fi—3 copies $1.25—12 copies $4.50 —25 copies $7.75—50 copies $15.00—100 copies $27.00. Prices on larger quantities upon request. Church imprint at slight additional cost. Minimum of 50 calendars. No business imprints accepted. Also ask to see Messenger’s attractive as­ sortment of Scripture Text Christmas and Everyday Cards.

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MESSAGE FROM TH E EDITOR — Samuel H. Sutherland ................ 8 DR. TALBO T'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T . Talbot .......................... 30 TA LK IN G IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ........................................ 32 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss .................................... 33 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold D. Ehlert ....................................................... 36 SCIENCE AND TH E BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser .................. ........... 38 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................ 39 CULTS CRITIQUE — Betty Bruechert ..................................................... 40 A LUM N I NEWS — Inez McGahey ......................................................... 49



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READER REACTION .................................. 6 PEOPLE IN TH E NEWS ............................................................................... 10 PRESENTING TH E MESSAGE ..................................................................... 31

— All Rights Reserved —

S. H. SUTHERLAND: Editor A L SANDERS: Managing Editor B ETTY BRUECHERT: Copy Editor


JAN E M. CLARK: Circulation Manager

VIRGINIA SCHWEPKER: Production Manager EDITORIAL BOARD: William Bynum, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker



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the Word of God. We do love the Bible lessons and Dr. Talbot’s Question Box. We wait anxiously for the next issue. Ethel M. Davis, Modesto, California MAGAZINES IN LIBRARY We thank you for your magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS, which comes to us regularly. We place this magazine in our library and the students are greatly bene­ fited by reading your publication. Dr. Paul Gupta, Hindustan Bible Institute, South India. DOCUM EN TA TION RESPONSE In response to your request for docu­ mentation concerning the true state of Christianity in the Soviet Union (Septem­ ber KING’S BUSINESS, page 5), I am sending you a subscription to the Chris­ tian Beacon, Collingswood, New Jersey. Editor Dr. Mclntire is very careful in documenting his statements. He reproduces by photostat the major articles in full that he quotes from, analyses, or criticizes. Although I do not usually agree with his position on racial issues, his documenta­ tion is extremely accurate. D. David Smith, Minneapolis, Minnesota. KB IN PEN ITENTIARY A copy of your fine magazine, THE KING’S BUSINESS, occasionally gets into my hands. Because of the shortage of such magazines here, I am wondering if you would put us on your mailing list for ten copies each month. I will see that they are put to good use. We do not have a regular Chaplain for the prison, but the officials are letting me do what I can in that capacity until we have a full-time man. Christian literature is one of the best ways to reach men in prison. When directed by the printed word, in the pri­ vacy of their cells, men can do some series thinking. J. L. Dugger, Acting Chaplain, Nevada State Peni­ tentiary, Carson City, Nevada. E d itor ’ s N o t e : We believe readers would want us to send the ten copies to Mr. Dug­ ger. Ordinarily we have money in our Free Fund to handle such requests; how­ ever, it is now depleted. Won’t you help our Free Fund now so that the min­ istry of the printed page might increase? Perhaps you would like to help in this specific request. Send your donations to the Free Fund, c/o The King’s Business Magazine. KB HELPS PREPARE LESSONS I would like to request a sample copy of THE KING’S BUSINESS. More than that, if you have any special provision for missionary subscriptions, I would be most happy to receive it regularly. One reason why I would like it is that I pre­ pare Sunday school lessons in Spanish, amounting to 26 typewritten pages a quar­ ter. I particularly need the illustrations, and I have noticed frequent illustrations from THE KING’S BUSINESS in books of illustrations. Rev. Edward G. Wyman, Corozal, British Honduras. E ditoi (’ s N o t e : Here is another request which we can only care for through our Free Fund.

In hearing on a gospel broadcast how others had come to know Christ, I re­ membered that it was the KING’S BUSI­ NESS we had sent to Dad as a gift that caused him to believe in personal salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ. He died a year ago and my husband went to his funeral in the Midwest. Upon talking to his Catholic mother and family he found that his Dad had been “different” lately! And when he found the old copies of the KING’S BUSINESS, they were under­ scored here and there. I know now it was the Holy Spirit who urged us to send him the magazine and to write him about his soul. Mrs. Norma Loucks EXPRESSIONS OF APPRECIATION I just thought I would write and let you know that I have just finished read­ ing several copies of your wonderful mag­ azine, the KING’S BUSINESS, and I would like you to know I think it is one of the finest Christian magazines my wife and I have ever read. I thank God that in the days we live today there are still a few Christ-centered magazines like yours. Robert N. Russau, Portland, Oregon I believe that you have the most instruc­ tive, interesting, and practical Christian magazine that I have as yet seen. In particular, I like your articles on current subjects (such as the tongues movement) and the regulars. May the Lord continue to use you reachly in the propagation of His Word! Walter B. Huckaby, Honolulu, Hawaii. If some of the literature found in the homes today was replaced by your maga­ zine, Christ’s knock upon the door would be more readily heard. F. A. Harvey, San Antonio, Texas. The feature story on the origin and activities of MEDA,( Mennonite Econom­ ic Development Asociation, (August, 1963) is very good and I wish to commend you upon your presentation which is most in­ teresting as well as accurate and infor­ mative. We appreciate your interest in our Christian endeavor. E. J. Peters, Chairman of MEDA. The KING’S BUSINESS is to be com­ mended for the sound, Scriptural stand taken on the current upsurge of “tongues.” May God continue to bless the ministry of your magazine. Mary Lyons, West New York, New Jersey BLESSINGS RECEIVED My husband and I have received great blessings from the work of the dedicated men of God. Since receiving THE KING’S BUSINESS we understand much better

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message from



C orrespondence School Proine Bible Institute T HRE E H I L LS • A L B E R T A • C A N A D A

BY DR. SAMUEL H. SUTHERLAND P ^ P R E S ID E N T , THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, INC. Five Attitudes O f t e n f u n d a m e n t a l i s t ministers are sharply criticized for "heresy hunting.” The implication is that this is about the only theme on which they ever think or speak. This charge is false. Actually, however, there are at least five different types of individ­ uals or groups of individuals each of which requires a different attitude on the part of one who would follow the teachings of Scripture. There are the false religious leaders. Our Lord maintained a very stern attitude toward them. No stronger words of condemna­ tion have ever come from human lips than those which He uttered against the scribes and Pharisees of His day. We must understand why He rebuked them so severely. It was simply because they had refused to accept Him for what He claimed to be. If He had been willing to be classed as one of the great prophets, doubtless they would have accepted Him into their company. Or if He had been willing to identify Himself as being merely one of them, they would have welcomed Him with open arms. But they rejected Him com­ pletely because He claimed to be the Son of God, "thus making Himself equal with God.” He was born of a virgin; He did mighty miracles; He died on Calvary’s cross as an atonement for sin; He arose again from the dead. But even after the mighty miracle of the resurrection, they stedfastly refused to acknowledge His deity. Therefore the thorough-going, Bible-believing Christian has the example of our Lord Jesus Christ Himself to follow in his attitude toward those religious leaders who reject Jesus Christ for what He claims to be as revealed in the Scriptures. Our Lord condemned the Pharisees in the strongest possible terms, concluding with the sting­ ing words: “Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matt. 23:33). It is the Christian’s responsibility today to repudiate completely all religious leaders who thus reject Jesus Christ for what He claimed to be. Commendable qualities which these blind leaders possess have no bearing on this matter. It is the attitude toward the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ which is of supreme importance. When a Bible-believ­ ing Christian discovers a religious leader who has rejected the claims of Jesus Christ, he can have but one attitude and that is to warn people everywhere against such leadership and teachings.

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The true minister of Jesus Christ must maintain yet another



attitude, namely toward the people of his congregation. It is defined in II Timothy 4:2, "Preach the Word, be instant in season, out of season, reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doc­ trine.” The Amplified New Testament is helpful here, reading, "Keep your sense of urgency.” It is the responsibility of the true minister of Jesus Christ to be constantly on the job, alerting people to the urgent need of living “soberly, righteously and godly” in this generation so that by our example as well as out testimony there might be some “brands snatched from the burning” of cer­ tain eternal judgment awaiting all who reject the Lord Jesus Christ as their own personal Saviour. The work of the minister of Jesus Christ in dealing with his congregation must be accompanied by yet another attitude which he should maintain toward the brethren, namely that of love. Our Lord said, in John 15:12, "This is my commandment, that ye love one another as I have loved you.” The true minister of Jesus Christ will always manifest the love of the Lord Jesus Christ toward those with whom he comes in contact, even though he may be obliged to rebuke, exhort and correct those over whom he has spiritual over­ sight. Then the minister of Jesus Christ has a very definite responsi­ bility toward the unsaved. His attitude toward them must be of one who preaches the truth. He delivers the glorious gospel message as the only way whereby a person can be saved and have everlasting life. He must preach the message that "He that believeth on Him is not condemned but he that believeth not is condemned already because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God” (John 3:18). This message is to be proclaimed with all the Holy Spirit’s power to the end that "whosoever will” may be persuaded to come and drink of the water of life. Another attitude which the minister of Jesus Christ must main- r tain is one toward sin itself. This attitude is righteous indignation, a holy anger which will not condone sin in his own life or in the lives of those for whom he has any responsibility. Unfortunately today we have lost to a great degree this attitude toward sin in the human heart and in the world. The decadence evident in so much of the Protestant church today is attributable in large measure to the fact that the holiness of God and the heinousness of sin are no longer proclaimed from the vast majority of Protestant pulpits throughout the land. Before there can ever be a revival in a local church, in a denomination or in the Protestant church as a whole, we as a people must come back to the truths of the Word of God l concerning the nature and outworkings of sin in the human heart. This must begin with those individuals who hold in their hands the inspired Word of God and who are pledged to proclaim its truths from the sacred desk. Being a minister of the Lord Jesus Christ is a deadly serious business. Alas! we have made it a kind of tea party existence. !* May God help all of us who have been ordained to the highest and holiest calling that can ever come to a human being to accept the responsibilities attendant upon this calling and, once again, to proclaim with fearlessness and without favor, "thus saith the Lord.”

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Peoplem Francis R. Steele, home secretary for the North Africa Mission, and other mission officials, has announced that organized work of the mission has ceased in Tunisia as a result of gov­ ernment orders. Government action came as a result of increased effec­ tiveness of the mission’s Bible corres­ pondence courses among Tunisia’s predominantly Mu s l i m population. Tunisian officials ordered the mis­ sion’s bookstore in Tunis closed, stop­ ped the work of the Bible Center, and suspended circulation of the courses. Mission leaders were called in by the government and told that their association was being dissolved. American and British embassies were kept well informed of developments and made strong representations on behalf of the mission, but to no avail. Dr. date A . Risley, Jacob Stam, president of the Gideons, International, was elected president of the Greenleaf Legal Society. The Greenleaf Legal Society was founded in 1961 as a national organization of Christian lawyers of the Protestant faith. It has local chapters in large cities, and on university campuses for law students. Mr. Stam, also a prac­ ticing lawyer, s uc c e e d s Gerrit P. Groen. John A . Berman, was elected vice-president and George B. Newitt, secretary-treasurer. Dr. Alfred Martin, dean of faculty of Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, has written a new course entitled “Daniel — The Framework of Prophecy,” which has just been released by the Moody correspondence school. The course covers the historical and pro­ phetical significance of the book of Daniel. Dr. Qyde Taylor and Dr. Robert Cook, president of The King’s College, New York, yvere among speakers at a con­ ference sponsored by the National Association of Evangelicals recently. Held in Detroit, Michigan, the con­ ference brought evangelicals together to look outwardly and inwardly at the is$ues of ecumenicity and Chris­ tian unity. Several topics discussed executive secretary of National Sunday School Association, has r e s i g n e d his post effective this month. Dr. Risley has served with the NSSA since 1952. No plans for the immediate f u t u r e h a v e b e e n an­ nounced. Dr. Risley

theMem were “Evangelicals and the Ecumeni­ cal Councils,” “The Biblical View of Christian Unity,” and many others. J. Raymond Knigh­

ton, executive di­ rector of the Chris­ tian Medical Soci­ ety, Oak Park, Illi­ nois, recently re­ ceived the honor­ ary degree of Doc­ tor of Laws from Seattle Pacific Col­ lege, Seattle, Wash­ ington. Dr. Knigh­

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NOW! Train teachers in all departments with new “ how-to” filmstrips

ton is also editor of the new MAP Miniature Magazine, a unique 16- page “shirt pocket” periodical repre­ senting the Society’s Medical Assist­ ance Program which aids medical missionaries around the world. Peter F. Gunther was appointed di­ rector of the Moody Literature Mis­ sion. He has served for ten years as the assistant of former director Ken­ neth Taylor. In the administration and the domestic work at MLM, he will write and visit missionaries in Europe and Latin America. Willis E. Mayfield, manager of the radio division of Moody Bible Insti­ tute, has announced the granting by the Federal Communications Commis­ sion an increase in power for WMBI- FM from 44,000 watts to 50,000 watts. The increase will mean better recep­ tion of the station’s signal. Dr. Bob Pierce, president of World Vision, Inc., recently described the first Pastors’ Conference held in Para­ guay as “unprecedented in size and scope.” The week following, another Pastors’ Conference was held in Cor­ doba, Argentina with some 500 na­ tional pastors and missionaries in. at­ tendance. Topics discussed were “The Pàstor’s Inner Life,” “Pastoral Re1 sponsibilities,” and “World Condi­ tions and a Global Vision.” Speaking along with Dr. Pierce were Dr. Paul S. Rees, vice president at large; Bish­ op Thomas Mar Athanasius, of the Mar Thoma Syrian Church, South India; and Dr. F. J. Huegel, of Disci­ ples of Christ, Mexico. Rochunga Pudaite, Executive Direc­ tor of the Indo-Burma Pioneer Mis­ sion, has announced the opening of a new liberal arts college at Sielmat, Manipur, India. Recognition by the government and accreditation with the University of Gauhati was grant­ ed last August. Sixty-five students are enrolled this year. A one-hour Bible class will be taught daily for all students.

Need more trained teachers in your Sun­ day School? This all-new ROYAL COM­ MISSION Series of nine full-color sound filmstrips will help to train your Sunday School staff to teach God’s Word more effectively to every age-group. The 25-minute introductory, SO HIGH A CALLING, shows how Bible teaching can be eternally worthwhile and why thorough training is so vital. Reserve this challeng­ ing filmstrip for a FREE showing in your church soon! Eight dramatic-story departmental film­ strips show how to organize and teach in specific departments . . . how to adapt Bible content and teaching methods to pupils’ needs. A special Discussion Guide gives detailed plans to get maximum bene­ fit from each filmstrip in four discussion sessions emphasizing many important facets of teaching. A v a ila b le n o w : Set No. I IN v rte r y / B eginner), $16.50; a n d Set N o . 2 {P rim a ry/Ju n io r), $16.50. C om ing soon: Young T ee n /S en lo r H igh an d A d u lt/C ra d le R oll sets. Ask for complete information about these sparkling new filmstrips today! See a n d h ea r these n e w teacher train in g film strips a t your C hristian bookstore or w r ite ... SCRIPTURE PRESS

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Wherever the Bethlehem story is told, life is different because of the Babe. Not all recognize the Manger Child as the Man of Calvary who died for the sins of the world. Not all know Him as personal Saviour, as they should. But, life is different for all because of Him. Because this One came, there are benefits that all enjoy: a moral code, a stand­ ard of civic righteousness, a concern for the physical and intellectual welfare of children, hospitals, schools, colleges, welfare agencies, homes for the aged. The Light of the world shines upon believer and unbeliever alike, and all have a better place to live because of Him. Bethlehem’s Babe became the Man of Sorrow and of Grief, upon whom the Almighty laid the iniquity of us all. “He that spared not His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also give us all things?” This Baby—God’s only begotten Son—makes the difference!

We at Wheaton thank you who have shared in helping us to proclaim this message through lads and lassies who have gone forth into God’s glad service everywhere.

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, T.



“For Christ and His Kingdomn Since 1860



A n e w s r e p o r t e r said recently: “News is either about something changing or something unusual. Life, however, is largely about something not changing and unusual. Follow the news diligently enough and you will become stone-blind to the greater part of reality and to most of the values of living.” This is a word fitly spoken. It is easy to become so excited over current events that the temporary takes pre­ cedence over the eternal, “I get so worked up over what is happening that I forget to preach the Gospel.” While wondering what the world is coming to, we forget Him who has come to the world. Once in a while I return to the hilltop where I grew up long ago. Far from city lights, I am amazed at how near the stars appear, how brilliantly they stand out in the dense darkness. Blinded by our little lights we do not see the stars any more. Our forefathers saw more with a candle that we discover with a searchlight. Then, too, we are always _exploding fireworks of one kind of an­ other, political, social, even religious, and we never see the constellations for our own sputtering sparklers. And we have stars of our own: athletic, political, movie, and TV celebrities. They go up like rockets and come down i like rocks, sizzling like comets across the sky soon to bum out. Fame is fleeting. Recently in a library I saw beside the usual “Who’s Who” a new volume, “Who Was Who!” So soon we pass from here to zero! The Word of God speaks of “wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever” (Jude 13). We deluded mortals hitch our wagons to these misguided missiles, these false teachers and leaders and messiahs, blind leaders of the blind. There will be more of them than ever until the coming of Antichrist himself. Satan, the arch-deceiver over all, is a fallen star: “How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!” (Isa. 14:12). When Jesus was bom, the Wise Men saw HIS star. The Star out of Jacob, the Daystar, the Bright and Morn­ ing Star — He is no comet soon to fade. When our Lord spoke to the church at Thyatira, He dealt with Jezebel, a wandering star leading the church astray with a high­ brow philosophy. They had tolerated her when they should have put her out. In His closing words, the Lord of the Lampstands urges the faithful to hold fast what they have and then promises to the overcomer: “I will give him the morning star” (Rev. 2:28). The Morning Star is Himself for He is not only our Rewarder but also our Reward. Today the church is beguiled by Jezebelism, false doctrine, secularism. We must not let wandering stars de­ ceive us. We have a Star. Let us be faithful to the end and He will reward us with Himself. It is so easy to be Occupied with the transitory and miss the eternal. We j take the really great things for granted. The sun we accept as a matter of course, but let it be hidden for a few days and what a difference! Water is such a com­ monplace thing, but none of our fancy drinks can take its place, and without it men soon go mad. Who gives much thought to the air? But a few seconds without it spells death. Health we take for granted until we have ^ time to think it over in a hospital bed. Nobody gives - -





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tfc by Dr. Vance Hamer



Sputnik symbolizes all that is fleeting ahd temporary, the sensational, glamorous, lurid distractions that fill our firmaments. The news reporter was right. Follow the news long enough and you will be stone-blind to what matters most. The Prophet Micah lived in times not unlike our own. The good man was perished from the earth, crooked­ ness prevailed in high places, no confidence could be put in closest friends, families were divided. But Micah kept his sights set on the eternal: “Therefore I will look unto the Lord.” No earthly fireworks or wandering comets obscured his vision. And we, .like him, had better see to it that no Sputnik blinds us to His star. The Giver by Ruth Gibbs Zwall Our God who gives the hills their strength To lift a rugged boulder, Who lends the trees a faith to stand Upon a mountain's shoulder, How shall He give us less than these . . .? He loves His children more than trees. Our God who fills the space of night With promise of a dawning, Who sowed infinity with stars That first creation morning, Who guides the planets day by day . . . How shall He let us lose our way? For He who did not spare His Son Within the Olive Garden But freely sent Him forth alone To win for us a pardon . . . Shall He not give us all beside— The souls for whom the Saviour died? Nothing but Heaven will suffice For those redeemed at such a price. It is regrettable that little is said about the Wise Men at Bethlehem except around Christmas. The lesson is just as timely in July as in December. Besides, our Lord may not have been bom anywhere near our Christmas sea­ son. Be that as it may, the Magi set a good pattern. They saw His star, not some other. They came to where He was, and so must we, and none who come will be cast out. They worshiped Him, and we must bow before Him and confess Him Lord of all. They gave gifts, and we must give ourselves and all we have. They went home another way, and after we come to Him we go another way, not ours but His. Amidst our little lights, our fireworks, the wandering stars, the satellites, have you seen His star, and have you come to worship Him?

much thought to sleep until we are unable to obtain it. So it goes. So we accept the stars as a matter of course. They are always there every night. God and the Gospel we take for granted. Bewildered by world crises, church con­ ditions, and personal problems, we watch the fireworks and miss the stars. “We see not yet all things put under him . . . But we see Jesus” (Heb. 2:8, 9), so runs the Scripture. But we become so obsessed about what “we see not yet,” that Him we see not (I Pet. 1:8). Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changest not, abide with me. To see stars we need a telescope. We can see more in a minute with a telescope than we can observe all night with the unaided eye. Nobody says, “How foolish to confine myself to that narrow tube when I have two good eyes of my own!” Yet men say, “I do not need the Bible, I will form my own ideas about Jesus Christ.” The only correct view of the Bright and Morning Star comes through the telescope of God’s revelation. There never have been so many shooting stars to divert our heavenward gaze. Jim Elliot, one of the martyrs in Ecuador, spoke of the “decentralizing effect” of tele­ vision and how he was impressed by the verse, “Turn away mine eyes from beholding vanity” (Psa. 119:37). Church members come to the house of God on Sunday morning all out of focus because they have spent too much of Saturday night beholding vanity, watching mis­ guided missiles and wandering stars. Some of them com­ plain that they didn’t see much in the sermon. They wouldn’t! Not only does the Saviour shine as the light of the world but the saints shine with Him. We are “lights in the world” (Phil. 2:15) and “they that turn many to righteousness [shall shine] as the stars for ever and ever” (Dan. 12:3). His ministers are “stars” in His “right hand” (Rev. 1:20). Even the stars in the skies shall fall as un­ timely figs, but the galaxy of the Saviour and the saints endures. Be not afraid because we have gone into the satellite business and are manufacturing stars. Everybody is look­ ing skyward, but not at the stars or anticipating the Lord’s return. . . . They are looking for Sputnik. One evening after reading frightening headlines and gloomy news reports and the scary predictions of columnists, I walked to the window where the evening star shone brightly overhead just as always. In my heart I said, “Let men put their little satellites into space and send their doghouses around the earth as they will, ‘He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh; [and] the Lord shall have them in derision.’ ” The stars shine over the earth, The stars shine over the sea; The stars look up to God And the stars look down on me. The stars may shine a million years, A million years and a day, But God and l will live and love When the stars have passed away.



the wonder and

miracle o f

by E. Frederick Mertens

“C< ilent night / Holy night! All is calm, all is bright!” Was this just for the long ago when a lowly manger cradled the King, or can we still hear that rapturous song this Christmas of 1963 when sometimes it seems that heaven itself is silent, hearts bend low with pain and the pressure of burdens almost unbearable, and wrestle hopelessly with fear? Yes, there are those whose eyes still scan the heavens and whose eager spirits listen with hushed expectancy for angelic anthems. To these a blessed assurance shines through the darkness and their hearts sing, “All IS calm, all IS bright!” Now and again we have observed someone who seem­ ingly is buried beneath a cold, smothering blanket of frustration, trial, suffering and sorrow. Yet, instead of the shattered wreckage of a blasted life, before our wondering gaze unfolds the strange beauty and fragrance of the Lord’s grace and peace. We hear—not a funeral dirge—but an angel’s song of praise to God’s glory. A devoted man cared for his invalid wife for thirty years. The heavy burden of her suffering increased with each passing day despite the anguish of his ceaseless prayers in her behalf. With heart bleeding and tom he watched her slowly dying before his agonized eyes; then, at last, she was gone. Stepping out under the stars in the impenetrable blackness of his night, he lifted his heart to his Lord. “Oh Christ! I know that all Thou dost send is in Thy wisdom and love. I thank Thee. I thank Thee! Do with me as Thou wilt. I abandon my life to Thee. Take me. I am Thy man—now and forever!” A heavenly mantle of peace seemed to clothe him completely, and a great wonderment of praise welled up within him. “I stand amazed at the love of God!” was his simple testimony. Friends and neighbors, who had long stood by while he kept vigil with faith in the character of his God burnished and bright in the midst of the bleak hopeless­ ness of the never-ending years, whispered with misty eyes and choked voices, “There is a man who knows God!” A woman of noble birth, who had graced courts of royalty in Europe, found God in a lowly mission and consecrated her all to Him. Renouncing wealth, vain glory, and pleasure, she traveled the highways and by­ ways witnessing to His love and mercy. One day she

was suddenly smitten with an incurable illness from which she endured incessant pain. Kneeling by her bed, she cried, “Dear Father, Thou knowest that I am wholly Thine. I was Thine when I had strength, health, and beauty, and could serve Thee freely. I am still Thine now that I have lost all of these and can serve Thee only by manifesting the joy and peace of Thy light and love!” Through the long years that held her fast as a prisoner of pain, she bore testimony to all of her love and faith in God. Her glowing face and joyous spirit gave indis­ putable evidence of His life within, and chords were struck in a multitude of hearts that soon blended with hers in a symphony of praise and glory to the Name of Him Who delights to give songs in the night. But these alone are not specially favored to hear the angel’s song; God would have us all come to know the love and faithfulness of our Lord and Saviour. He does not promise to spare us suffering and sorrow, but He does promise to be with us—“They 'hall call His name Emmanuel, GOD WITH US!” “Fear not, for I have redeemed thee . . . when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee, and through the rivers they shall not overflow thee . . . for I am the Lord, thy God, thy Saviour.” A beloved child of God whose life had been one long succession of tragedy, now alone and bereft of family and friends, was suddenly stricken with a severe heart attack. Struggling to reach the phone, he called a doctor who rushed him to the hospital where his life hung by a worn thread for many days. When he was able to hold a pencil, he wrote these few lines: “I have never had any fears, cares, or anxieties since they put me in the ambulance. Jesus has been my constant Companion. I have felt His very Presence. There has been nothing but peace and a resting in His wonderful arms!” Through long days of weakness he eagerly proclaimed the love and grace of God to fellow-sufferers sharing his ward, and a dying man grasped the Good News of the Gospel to his hungry heart and found peace and light and eternal life. “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusteth in Thee.” How very (continued on next page)



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still waiting for r

A birth

by Dr. Don W. Hillis

“ n p H E R E a r e j u s t 10-or 15-or whatever — more shop- -1- ping days until Christmas!” Why is the anni­ versary of the Saviour’s birth measured by shopping days? While Americans merrily turn the birthday of the Sav­ iour into a buying and selling spree, accompanied by Christmas parties which border on heathenism, the hea­ then are left to languish without the “good tidings of great joy” which the angel of the Lord %aid should be “to all people.” Nyingu which means “little lion” was bom and raised in the South Sudan. He is tall, agile, and dark as ebony. Last year Nyingu took sick with typhoid fever. But his tribal witch doctor knew what to do. He cut long gashes down Nyingu’s arms gnd legs and across his chest. Then he let the blood of a chicken run down over his head and shoulders. Nyingu died and the only god he ever knew was the evil spirit to whom the witch doctor made his weird incantations. The “good tidings of great joy” have never reached Nyingu-and his people. To them Jesus Christ is an unborn Saviour. Ramchandra lives in Damanpur, 300 miles northeast of Bombay, India. He speaks a Sanskrit-based language called Marathi. There are 33,000 people in his town but not a single Christian. As a high-caste Hindu, he is a vegetarian and his knowledge of religion is limited to a pantheon of sightless, speechless idols. Ganesh, the elephant-headed god of wisdom, is the patron of Ram- chandra’s household. Offerings of rice, coins, or flowers are daily placed before Ganesh. Incense is burned and prayers said. Ramchandra is only one of millions in India who will live and die in the hopelessness of a pantheistic philosophy which paradoxically has led men to a poly­ theistic practice. To them Jesus Christ is an unborn Saviour. The Miracle of Christmas (continued) real and unspeakably precious is He to those who lean the whole weight of their hearts and lives upon Him! As we enter the year 1964, we need not see the way ahead, nor always understand His ways; we know that ‘He Who loved us and washed us from our sins in His Own Blood’ can be trusted to do all things well. We rest in His love and joy in His presence. The peace of God which passes all understanding garrisons our hearts with constant strength and victory as we look up into His face and praise Him—just for Himself alone. ‘Silent night!” Whatever the night, whatever the cold deadliness of its frustration, pain, and sorrow, its bitter storms caririot pierce His enfolding love and the never-failing provisions of His grace. We do not have to see the glory, nor hear an angel’s song. Sufficient to our heart’s need is the still, small voice of His Spirit assuring us of His presence—“/ will never leave thee nor forsake thee . . . Lo, I am with you alway!”

Jacques Panhard is a slender, small-boned, sharp- featured college youth. He lives in a suburb, of Paris, France. He was baptized as a baby into the Catholic faith but never since has been in a church. Jacques has never seen a Bible, nor has he ever had any personal communication with an evangelical. If he has a god it is materialism. An Epicurean philosophy of “eat, drink, and be merry” seems to motivate his life. Jacques’ knowledge of religion is limited to the parade of images which he has seen every Good Friday for as long as he can remember. The image of a Babe in the arms of Mary, or of the crucified Christ, has left Jacques and most of his generation cold. Although not every one in Jacques country is as ignorant of the “good tidings of great joy” as he is, yet his condition is typical of millions throughout Europe to whom the significance of the Saviour’s birth is an un­ experienced reality. For all practical purposes Jesus Christ is to them an unborn Saviour. Arid why are there hundreds of millions in our world to whom Jesus Christ is an unborn Saviour? Why are these “good tidings of great joy” which are meant for all people not reaching the uttermost parts of the world? Is it possible that gifts for self are keeping the Gospel from the godless? Does our purchasing of glitter­ ing tinsel limit our proclamation of the good tidings? Do our expenditures on the rusting toys of time limit our investments in the treasures of eternity? Perhaps this Christmas would be a good time to start answering these questions in a real practical way. Much depends upon you as to whether the Babe of Bethlehem remains an unborn Saviour to millions around the world. Your very best Christmas gift to-any man is the good tidings of God’s indescribable Gift for all men. “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? . . . Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” O you of the trouble^, sorrowing heart, look up! Celestial choirs still broadcast joyous carols into the mid­ night air, and the splendor of His presence shines ever roundabout. Within the deep recesses of our heart, en­ circled by His unfailing love and grace, rings the glad, sweet assurance— “. . . All things are yours . . . whether the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to come; all are yours; and you are Christ’s, and Christ is God’s!” All IS calm, all IS bright—NOW and forever!



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