I f e e l f o r t u n a t e to have been reared in a family where the Bible was considered the most important Book in one’s life. At church services and in the Sunday school, inspiring passages of this Book have left a deep imprint upon my life. When I am called upon to distin guish between right and wrong in my judicial work, the Bible helps me not only to make the right choice, but also to have the courage to carry through. No book can take the place of the Bible. Assume for example, that the best known publisher in this country asks the most outstanding author to write a special book. The publisher ex plains: “In the book I want those sections which will be translated into over 1,100 languages and dialects; a book the influence of which will be constructively felt in seventy-five continents; over 13 million copies, either in its entirety or portions, will be distributed overseas in one year; and a book 2,600 parts of which will be distributed each hour of the day throughout the globe. Further,” points out the publisher, “I want you to write a book which will never be off the printing press for over 400 years; a book which will be the best seller year in and year out, not only in one nation, but in many; reading it will inspire men to lives of sac
forts to convince particularly the un committed nations that we genuine ly believe in the lessons of the Bible, which if practiced, bring dignity and reverence for every human life. We must show them that God’s message contains unlimited power for man’s redemption. Though significant advances have been made in the distribution of the Bible, our greatest challenge still lies ahead. Millions of people have yet to be reached with the Gospel — either spoken or written. It is imperative that there be an immediate increase in the distribution, otherwise we may well lose our one great hope to save mankind from destruction. In the eternal Word of God is the message that spiritually hungry peo- pel need today. With world chaos just a “push but ton” error away, we dare not be a Christian nation in name only. We must accept the responsibility of this challenge, providing the hope and strength millions of people around the globe need, through the study of the inspired Word of God. Only a careful and prayerful study of the Bible by the people of this na tion and the peoples of the world, and putting its teachings into practice in their lives, will more than any thing else insure victory in this cold war.
rifice and service — to seek liberty for themselves and their fellow men without thought of personal safety. It must be a book in which men of every language and culture in every part of the world can find an accurate picture of the nature of God and their relationship to Him. In short, it must be a book in which men find Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord.” Even the most proficient writer would say: “No, I am unable to write such a book. No' man can write it. Only God could write such a book.” How true! Only God could write such a Book and its name is the Bible. The Bible is God’s eternal Word because it occupies a unique place in all Christendom as the revelation of God in Christ Jesus who said: Hea ven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Thus, the Bible is the greatest Book because it is about life, and though written centuries ago, is still relevant today. The Bible deals with everyday af fairs: homelife, love, crime, warfare, political decisions. Never before has there been such a need to provide the inspired Word of God to people all over the world in their own language. People of many nations throughout the world long to read this Good News and be fortified to help perpetuate freedom. However, we have failed in our ef
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