King's Business - 1963-12

A Christian Tower for Long Beach

A f t e r s e r v in g Southern California for nearly half-a-century through Brown Schools Foundation, headed by Dr. John Brown, Jr., has announced the construction of a 14-story struc­ ture in Long Beach, California. The building, a residential apartment pro- 23

gram, is designed for retirement liv­ ing for people over 62. Consisting of 169 units the “John Brown Towers” are being built by Myers Brothers Construction Company headed by Dr. Ray A. Myers, outstanding Christian layman. Dr. Brown announced that residen­

cy will be based on an initial entrance fee plus a monthly rental. Charges will depend upon the size of the apartment and the floor on which it is located, and includes all utilities, air conditioning, wall-to-wall carpet­ ing, drapes, fully equipped electric kitchens, exterior maintenance, postal TH E KING'S BUSINESS

radio and Christian schools, the John

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