For four years Ned went back to jail regularly and taught Sunday school, ministering particularly to 16- 18-year-olds. In Juvenile Hall, Ned became ac quainted with a tall, well-built boy who had been committed for arson. Because the young tough liked the clothes Ned wore, he asked Ned to counsel privately with him. The ad ministrators were amazed to find the toughest case on their books volun tarily consulting with the chaplain. After several long discussions with Ned, the boy trusted in Christ as his Saviour. Later Ned received a letter from him saying, “Juvenile Hall was the greatest experience in my life, for this is where I met you and this is where I came to know Jesus Christ as my Saviour.” Looking forward to the Christian
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Ned Ayarian leads the singing at Los Angeles County Juvenile Hall Chapel services. ministry, Ned enrolled at Fuller The ological Seminary in Pasadena. He somehow found time for two immedi ate and important ministries. One was a position on the staff of the Chris tian Jail Workers, the recognized chaplains for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s and Probation Departments. “I considered this opportunity one of the biggest of my life,” Ned says. The youngest chaplain ever ap pointed to this position, Ned Ayarian spends 20 hours a week counseling in four Los Angeles probation institu tions. He sees a number of fellows make decisions for Christ each week. Ned’s second position is that of youth director at the Orthodox Pres byterian Church in Long Beach. “I guess my own experience, attending church yet living anything but a Christian life, makes me want to reach young people in the church and present Christ as the One who offers the abundant and dynamic life.” Set free, spiritually and physically, by Jesus Christ, Ned Ayarian has a conviction and a message that trans forms lives both in church sanctuaries and detention hall cells: “Jesus said, ‘I am the . . . truth . . . the truth shall make you free.’ ” —Used by permission POWER for Teens
Moody Annuities bring you returns up to 8V&per cent, depend ing on your age. Remember, too, they are not subject to the ups and downs of economic or market conditions. Since the plan was adopted more than 55 years ago, not a single payment has been missed, or even late. While you are enjoying this lifetime income, your annuity funds are at work for the Lord, making possible the training of consecrated young men and women for Christian service, and spreading the gospel through radio, literature and science films. WRITE: Annuity Department MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 10, Illinois □ Please send me, without obligation, double dividends , story of Moody Annuity Plan. □ Please send folder, where there ’ s a w ill , relating to stewardship. MA IL COUPOH TODAY Dept. 12K3
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