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NOW! Measure teaching effectiveness with DAT Departmental Achievement Tests . . . another n e w service from Scripture Press

Tests are an invaluable teaching tool —to help you teach essential Bible facts, and to help your pupils learn. Consider these values in testing: • Testing motivates pupils to learn Bible truths and facts • Testing raises the status of Sunday School in your pupils’ minds • Testing reveals to your pupils—and to you—their needs, misunderstand­

ings, and spiritual growth. Starting this Fall, you can test all students nine years and older. Separate DAT packets are available for each de­ partment. Each packet contains five copies of the quarterly test, and one instruction/answer sheet —everything you need for a complete testing pro­ gram in your school. . . for just three cents per pupil per quarter!

Now you can measure both your teach­ ing performance and students’ depth, of learning with easy-to-give quarterly tests for Juniors, Young Teens, Senior Highs, and Adults. Tailor-made for ALL-BIBLE Sunday School lessons, this practical new testing program was developed by Christian public school teachers and pretested in 28 Sunday Schools at each age level.

If it’s a Scripture Press product, you can use it w ith confidence.

See sample DAT tests at your Christian bookstore or send coupon today . . . SCRIPTURE

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