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^WMojjeiïHicture Like f r s o LITRE TIME"
“ f [ ~ ^ o u l d I h a v e said the wrong thing? I told him how I became a Christian, and how it changed my life. I also explained how a person makes a decision for Christ, but he has never taken the step to receive Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour. Yes, and I showed him clearly from the Bible what God says about his sins and how he can be saved.” These are the words of a Christian who had earnestly tried to win an other person to Christ. There was a tone of discouragement. He was ready to blame himself for not having pre sented the case better. He even feared that he had been unwise in witness ing to him. After all, shouldn’t un saved people respond instantly when they are confronted with the gospel? Jesus said, “A sower went out to sow his seed. . . . And other fell on good ground, and sprang' up, and bare fruit an hundredfold” (Luke 8:5, 8). Seed does not always sprout at once; the soil and the weather may affect it. Some persons do respond immedi ately when there has been faithful sowing by other Christians. When it is harvest time, all that is needed is a ready harvester. Jesus said to His disciples, “I sent you to reap that whereon ye had bestowed no labor” (John 4:38). A young man responded immediately who seemed to be wait ing for the opportunity when the in vitation was given for him to receive Christ as his personal Saviour. After the meeting, an elder in the church said, “We have been praying for this young man for years, and we are so glad that God answered our prayers.” The Holy Spirit brings the response to make the great decision, and there are no superficial decisions when it is the work of the Holy Spirit. He continues to speak after we are silent, in quiet moments and through cir cumstances. All conversions are His work. Our assignment is to sow the good seed, the Word. The Holy Spirit caus es conviction and the deep desire to receive Christ as Saviour. “I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase” (I Cor. 3:6). If we sow generously, there will be a good harvest and reaping is more interesting than sowing!
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• Christian Education Write Dr. Monroe Parker, President, for Catalog P ILLSBURY Dept. KB c o n s e r v a t iv e | B A P TIS T BIBLE w U L L C V I E b Owatonna, Minnesota •
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