King's Business - 1963-12

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ing and challenging book, which seeks to show that Europe is indeed a mis­ sion field — “the oldest mission field is now the newest” (p. 9). The whole continent, the author contends, has been de-Christianized. Fewer than half of the thirty-four nations of Europe are in the non-Communist part. Europe has the lowest ratio of missionaries in proportion to popula­ tion of any of the continents. A ref­ ugee miner working near the Belgian border confesses that somewhere he has heard the name of Jesus Christ, but he is not sure who He is. The German parliament recently passed a law against sorcerers. Less than 5% of the people of Germany go to church. Denmark has one of the high­ est suicide rates in the world. An Italian farmer fastens a tassel to the yoke of his oxen to ward off the evil eye; he is a Communist during the week and a Roman Catholic on Sun­ day. The book results from an in­ timate knowledge of Europe, and a deep compassion for its people. The author is European director of the Greater Europe Mission, and helped organize all of the Billy Graham cam­ paigns in Europe.—528 pages; Moody Press, Chicago; $5.95. Journeys After St. Paul By William R. Cannon In this book the reader is taken to every one of the places mentioned in connection with the journeys and ministry of the Apostle Paul. Histori­ cal, Biblical, and classical observa­ tions enrich the accounts. Thus we have not a bare modem travelogue, however brilliantly related, or a mere restating of material available in the New Testament and other literature, but a combination that makes other­ wise dead matters live with color, in­ terest, and illumination. Any student of the Scriptures, and teacher of the New Testament, would profit im­ mensely from the reading of these exciting descriptions. The book can be a great aid to anyone planning to visit these parts of the Middle East, and will have to suffice (but will richly suffice) for many who can­ not afford the time or money that it would take. The author is Dean of Candler School of Theology, Emory University, xi, 276 pages; cloth; The

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This is not a book for the novice or the careless Christian, but could be a profitable experience for the pas­ tor and Christian worker who is ready to face some of the deeper problems of Christian personality and satanic forces. Nothing like it has been pub­ lished in America in recent times (it was originally printed in Germany). Dr. Koch has worked from pastoral ministry into counseling in depth with people who have become in­ volved in various forms of occultism. He finds satanic influence in many of these forms — astrology, palmistry, magic, spiritualism, etc. The values of the book, which is really a con­ densation of a much larger work in German, consist in the fact that case histories form the basis for his ana­ lyses, and he is a deeply spiritual and powerful Christian. He bases his analyses and his treatments on the Bible. He is in reality forging a new chapter in psychiatry and counseling, and is adding to the confirmation of the authenticity and accuracy of the Bible in its many accounts of this type of phenomena. Dr. Koch parti­ cipated in the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference in 1962. — 255 pages; cloth; Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids; $3.50. Profitable Bible Study By Wilbur M. Smith The first edition of this book was published in 1930. It has been per­ haps the most widely used book in the intervening period on the sub­ ject. It was inevitable that Dr. Smith should revise it, and bring it up to date. Major divisions of the bibliogra­ phy include Bibles, concordances, Bi­ ble dictionaries, introductory works, versions, inspiration, hermeneutics, archaeology, and others. Commentar­ ies, though brief, tend to fill in some of the gap left by Spurgeon’s Com­ mentating and Commentaries. — 166 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Co., Natic, Mass.; $2.95.

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Let Europe Hear By Robert P. Evans

“The Spiritual Plight of Europe” is the subtitle of this deeply disturb­



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