King's Business - 1963-12

Macmillan Co., New York; $4.95.

Choice Books

Winning Jews to Christ By Jacob Gartenhaus

The work of witnessing to Jews is a highly specialized type of evan­ gelism. It cannot be done effectively without special studies in the nature of Judaism and the customs of the Jews, their attitudes toward Chris­ tians, the Bible, and toward Jesus Christ. A thorough understanding of Biblical prophecy is essential. One should know something of non-Bibli- cal Jewish literature. All of these things are set forth in a masterful way by the author. The doctrine of the Messiah is, of course, central to Jewish evangelism. It is the “stone of stumbling,” and can easily be bungled if one does not employ the wisdom of grace and ex­ perience. Some Hebrew and Yiddish vocabularly are helpful. All of these things are included in this book. 1— 182 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing Co., Grand Rapids; $3.50. BOOK ENDS (A R eview o f C u rre n t P ublications) THE CHILDREN'S BIBLE as retold for Chi)- dren by Anne de Vries. 255 pages; paper cover boards; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $3.50. Originally published in Dutch, this Bible story book has been translated into ten lan­ guages. The language is scaled for children from 9 to 14 years of age. It is attractively illustrated with black and white and colored drawings. The attitude toward the Scriptures and to its miracles reflected here is most satisfactory. BORN TO LIVE by Oswald Riess. 101 pages; cloth; Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis; $2.00. Ten meditations in various areas of Chris­ tian life truth. Old and New Testament passages are used as. bases. DAYBREAK BELOW THE BORDER by Vera Barnes. 167 pages; cloth or paper; Christian Publications, Harrisburg, Pa.; $2.75 or $1.50. Stories of God's dealings and blessing in forty years of missionary work in South America, most­ ly in Argentina. THE FORTY DAYS by Geoffrey R. King. 105 pages; cloth; Wm . B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids; $2.00. Meditations beginning with Jesus in the underworld following the crucifixion, and going on through His post-resurrection ap­ pearances. Deeply devotional, as well as doc­ trinal ly instructive. THE MESSAGE OF EVANGELISM by W . T. Purkiser. 112 pages; cloth; Beacon Hill Press, Kansas City, Mo.; $2.p0. The 1962 R. T. Williams Lectures on Evangelism delivered at Pasadena College (Nazarene). The author is Professor of English Bible at Nazarene Seminary in Kansas City. Sober and challenging lectures emphasizing main concerns of the church in ministering the gospel. WORDS AND WONDERS OF THE CROSS by Gordon H. Girod. 154 pages; cloth; Baker B ook House, Grand Rapids; $2.50. The author takes a little different approach to the crucifixion scene. He uses the "five words" of the Father to add to the seven of the Son, and comes up with twelve richly devotional and searching messages. He is pastor of the Seventh Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. Recommended, books are available from the Biola Book Rooms, 560 South Hope Street, Los Angeles; 121 West Wilson Glendale; and on the La Mirada Campus. Handy meal order service is also available. Free descrip­ tive books and record catalogs will be sent upon request.

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